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Tagged with: Health

Posts (24)

  1. How poo became one of our biggest creative challenges yet

    Varinder Kaur Gambhir, Radharani Mitra, Anna Godfrey

    ³ÉÈËÂÛ̳ Media Action

    How poo became one of our biggest creative challenges yet

    How many of us ever think about what happens after we flush? Yet with 60% of urban India not connected to modern sewage systems, it is a pressing health issue. As we launch our latest in the Navrangi TV series, we look at the thinking behind this revolutionary drama.

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  2. What is the world doing about COVID-19 vaccine acceptance?

    Yvonne MacPherson

    Director, ³ÉÈËÂÛ̳ Media Action USA

    The world's scientists are racing to find an effective COVID-19 vaccine - but vaccine hesitancy already threatens its success. Our US Director Yvonne MacPherson looks at the critical role for health communication in setting the stage for a successful vaccine roll-out.

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  3. 5 steps to enable health workers to better meet the needs of hard-to-reach communities

    Genevieve Hutchinson and Emebet Wuhib-Mutungi

    Senior Health Advisors, Advisory and Policy

    5 steps to enable health workers to better meet the needs of hard-to-reach communities

    As World Health Day approaches, and as we look towards the first-ever UN High-Level Meeting on Universal Health Coverage later this year, we’re sharing insights from ³ÉÈËÂÛ̳ Media Action’s work to help health workers and communities work better together to build a healthier world.

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  4. Using human-centred design to achieve your goals

    Radharani Mitra

    Global Creative Advisor, ³ÉÈËÂÛ̳ Media Action

    Using human-centred design to achieve your goals

    Taking a look behind the buzzwords to find out what human-centred design can do for pregnant women in India.

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  5. Let’s talk about sex: using radio to educate teenagers in Bangladesh

    Gourob Kundu

    Let’s talk about sex: using radio to educate teenagers in Bangladesh

    How radio has helped adolescents in Bangladesh learn about sexual and reproductive health, as well as child marriage.

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  6. How can communication help stop teenagers dying?

    Emebet Wuhib-Mutungi

    Health Adviser, ³ÉÈËÂÛ̳ Media Action

    How can communication help stop teenagers dying?

    Emebet Wuhib-Mutungi looks at what's killing teenagers around the world and outlines how communication can help address the main causes of death.

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  7. Health partnerships in the Global South: more than a marriage of convenience

    Sophia Wilkinson

    Acting Head of Health and Resilience, ³ÉÈËÂÛ̳ Media Action

    Health partnerships in the Global South: more than a marriage of convenience

    Why should media organisations build partnerships? And how can they make sure they benefit both sides? Some insights from Media Action's work on maternal and child health.

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  8. The art of designing surveys about social norms: insights from Ethiopia

    Hilina Assefa and Lois Aspinall

    ³ÉÈËÂÛ̳ Media Action

    The art of designing surveys about social norms: insights from Ethiopia

    What are the challenges in researching social norms with surveys and how do you overcome them? Hilina Assefa and Lois Aspinall offer some solutions, drawing on five responses commonly heard in the field in Ethiopia.

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  9. Using social ties to make pregnancy safer: insights from Bangladesh and Ethiopia

    Emebet Wuhib-Mutungi

    Health Adviser, ³ÉÈËÂÛ̳ Media Action

    Using social ties to make pregnancy safer: insights from Bangladesh and Ethiopia

    Following the launch of our Global Health Stories site, Emebet Wuhib-Mutungi explains how influencing mothers-in-law and husbands can help improve the health of mothers and their babies.

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  10. Design thinking and health communication: learning from failure

    Priyanka Dutt

    Country Director, ³ÉÈËÂÛ̳ Media Action India

    Design thinking and health communication: learning from failure

    What do you do when your audience is difficult to reach, tough to keep engaged and doesn’t understand concepts you take for granted? Priyanka Dutt offers some words of advice from her team’s experience of running a health communication ‘laboratory’ in Bihar, northern India.

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