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Tagged with: Social media

Posts (3)

  1. How can digital technology empower women without worsening inequality?

    Sara Chamberlain

    Digital project director, ³ÉÈËÂÛ̳ Media Action India

    How can digital technology empower women without worsening inequality?

    How can we harness the digital revolution to empower women – socially, economically and politically - without creating deeper social and gender divides? Our Digital Women's Economic Empowerment learning in India is examining this question, with fascinating insights.

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  2. Helping people spot fake news in Sierra Leone

    George Ferguson

    Country Director, ³ÉÈËÂÛ̳ Media Action Sierra Leone

    Our Sierra Leone Country Director shares insights from our work to increase media literacy during national elections earlier this year.

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  3. The role of social media in development

    Rosie Parkyn

    Country Director, ³ÉÈËÂÛ̳ Media Action Indonesia

    The role of social media in development

    Why should development organisations care about social media? Rosie Parkyn looks at social media’s potential to enhance development outcomes in the Global South and how this stacks up against the evidence.

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