Toothy new dino discovered
Is this the greatest vegetarian in the history of the world? It's called Gryposaurus, a new species of dinosaur that's just been reported in the science journals. (Full taxonimic name: Gryposaurus monumentensis: "Gryposaurus" means "hook-beaked lizard"; "monumentensis" was chosen to honour the monument where the fossils were found.) Fossils of this remarkable dinosaur, which lived about 65-80 million years ago, were found in 2004 in the Utah desert. It was 30 feet long, had 800 teeth (yes, 800!), and had extremely powerful jaws which enabled it to strip woody trees. Whether the dino also sliced up meat as part of its diet remains unclear; until evidence emerges to the contrary, I'm claiming the Grypo as one of my vegetarian forebears! The find has in the
800 teeth and not a NHS dentist in sight ( then or now ).
We should have a tree stripping competition between the new dino and Ulsters older dinos at Lisburn City Council!