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Positive images of disability

Kieran Jones

former Business Affairs Assistant

Kieran Jones used his photographic knowledge to assist in creating an image base for the charity ‘Trafford Centre for Independent Living’.

‘I learnt how to approach a creative brief and produce a tangible result. This experience was so valuable and has given me confidence.’

I was inspired to volunteer with 成人论坛 Outreach, after I saw one of their videos about the charity ‘Doorstep Library’.  Soon an opportunity came up for me to work on a project with another charity ‘’ - TCIL. It is a user-led organisation for people with disabilities. When we met with TCIL, we discussed the project’s aim to create an image database of non-commercial marketing materials. The project would give me a chance to understand an underserved audience and to make a difference to its users.

‘Trafford Centre for Independent Living’ (TCIL) felt that the disabled community didn’t realise the breadth of activities they have on offer. They were hopeful that the project would represent an organisation that brings disabled people together through social events and practical support. This would run alongside their rebranding project.

One of nearly 100 photographs taken by Kieran to build an image bank for Trafford CIL.

The most striking thing (and what I feel defines the value of Outreach’s input), was realising my complete unawareness of disabled people’s portrayal in the media. What I found was, at best, portrayal can often be uninformed, and at worst it can be lazy or negative. The “medical model of disability” is all too common. It defines disabled people by their impairment, which in turn is viewed as the reason they cannot interact with daily life. Without talking (and more importantly listening) to those directly affected, it is difficult to appreciate their position, let alone anything that is nuanced.

Using this insight we were able to make an informed approach in depicting disability through photographs. Over two days we shot four activities organised by TCIL: a coffee morning, a vegetarian cookery class, a Tai Chi lesson, and an African drumming workshop. We were pleased with the shoots, and the images we photographed would be exhibited in a 成人论坛 Outreach workshop in February 2016. Almost 100 of these photographs could be used to promote the TCIL’s services digitally and in print.

At the drumming workshop, for the new image bank for Trafford CIL

However I believe that any power the photographs have comes from what we learnt from the people themselves and how we applied this to our representations. The people with disabilities neither show impairment for effect, nor try to pretend that it doesn’t exist. Disability should not be hidden, but equally should simply be recognised as a part of some people’s lives.

Personally I learnt how to approach a creative brief and through research and collaboration produce a tangible result. This experience was so valuable to be gained in this way, and it has given me confidence to pursue future projects.

The depth and variety of audiences is often much greater than you can imagine; there is no substitute for meeting, speaking and learning from others. Without this something is missing. 成人论坛 Outreach provides 成人论坛 staff opportunities to gain and develop skills through meaningful engagement with people, and always to positive effect.


成人论坛 Outreach & Corporate Responsibility brings the 成人论坛 closer to its audiences - particularly those audiences we have identified as harder to reach - with face-to-face activity, community support and staff volunteering. Kieran volunteered with 成人论坛 Outreach when he was a member of staff; he has since moved abroad to work as a photo-journalist.

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