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³ÉÈËÂÛ̳ Senior Web Developer, Azizur Rahman is a ³ÉÈËÂÛ̳ Ambassador for StemNet, and uses his technical knowledge to encourage school pupils to take up STEM subjects – Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths.

‘If I get one person to continue to study STEM subjects and follow the right direction then I have succeeded in making a difference.'

I was really interested to do something outside my usual work that would allow me to give something back to the community. So when I joined the ³ÉÈËÂÛ̳ and met a colleague who was a STEM Ambassador, I thought I would like to become one also. It would be a great opportunity to share my technical knowledge and reach out to young students.

The ³ÉÈËÂÛ̳ had just launched a STEM Ambassador programme and had become an official training partner. I relished the opportunity to go to schools and encourage young students to study STEM subjects. Teens are often not aware of the possibilities of what they can do when they grow up, and I really wanted to help students think about the right career path, and explain different subject choices.

Full attention at a Stem careers event at MediaCityUK, Salford

More importantly, the students gain an insight by meeting people who are working in STEM jobs. If they would like to become a broadcast or a software engineer I could advise on the STEM subjects I selected in school, and how I studied computer science at university.

My first STEM event was in Trafford College in July 2014. There I met pupils from six local secondary schools around Greater Manchester. Other STEM ambassadors came from large corporations from across the UK, and there were even directors of operations present. Back then, I worked with ³ÉÈËÂÛ̳ Bitesize on iWonder, and students were interested in learning how I helped build Bitesize and how it worked.

At STEM event students are divided into groups of five to seven people for the equivalent of a five minute STEM speed-date. At first I was a bit nervous explaining what I did and how they could get into STEM subjects. However the students were interested and even the teachers talked about using ³ÉÈËÂÛ̳ Learning in the classroom. During the last STEM Event in ³ÉÈËÂÛ̳ MediaCityUK around 10 schools attended.

I now work for ³ÉÈËÂÛ̳ Digital Content Discovery and I am working with the team building the ³ÉÈËÂÛ̳ Homepage. I enjoy explaining to students about how STEM subjects are applied behind some of the user interactions.

From my experience as a STEM Ambassador I am now more confident standing in front of a group of teens and speaking. Speaking about my job has allowed me to become less introverted and more confident at public speaking. I have learned to adjust my communication style depending on who I am speaking to at the time. In my day job it has given me more confidence to interact with more senior members of my team.

I would like to continue this Ambassador work, and leave a legacy behind. If I get one person to continue to study STEM subjects and follow the right direction then I have succeeded in making a difference.


StemNet careers events are organised and hosted by ³ÉÈËÂÛ̳ Outreach. They give Year-9 students the opportunity to meet ³ÉÈËÂÛ̳ Stem Ambassadors who use science, technology, engineering or maths in their ³ÉÈËÂÛ̳ roles. ³ÉÈËÂÛ̳ Salford worked with 12 Ambassadors who, during the event, gave practical demonstrations on their roles and advice on GCSE STEM subjects.


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