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A group of women from the member-led group  visited the  studio in Hull. The visit was arranged following the  event in Birmingham, jointly arranged by 成人论坛 Outreach and by   which publishes the . The aim of Media on the Move was to raise awareness about Gypsy, Roma and Traveller people among programme makers, to break down stereotypes, and to attempt to rebuild their confidence in the media.

‘It is perhaps understandable that many journalists really don't know much about us, beyond the usual stereotypes’

Gypsy and Traveller people are more than used to being represented in either exotic and romantic, or more usually, negative and demonising ways. The recent programmes under the 'Big Fat Gypsy Weddings' type banner were, even for us, a new low.

Our members' confidence that they could be treated fairly by the media has been wiped out by it. So the Media on the Move event, which myself and one of our younger members attended, felt like a genuine attempt at creating change.

There my colleague Ellen Teresa met Jane Birch who invited us to visit the Look North studio in Hull where Jane is the Editor. I have appeared a couple of times, by remote link, on the programme when they have covered issues to do with unauthorised encampments by Gypsy and Traveller people.

I am happy to do this, it is my job. But I am also very keen that the direct voices of Gypsy and Traveller people are heard and that more and more individuals have skills and confidence to speak up for themselves, so it seemed like a very good idea to be able to meet the programme makers and presenter in person.

With presenter Peter Levy in the Look North studio in Hull

Our members were interested in the visit but very wary that they might have to 'be on the telly'. Jane and I agreed that this visit was not for that purpose and we were able to assure the group that only film or pictures that were acceptable to everyone would be published.

We wanted to film the visit but again we agreed that this would only be for ourselves as a memento of it and for us to learn from. So, with this agreed, but still feeling quite shy, we went to Hull.

What a great welcome we received! We spent time in the actual studio, learning about the cameras and the autocue and talking about interviewing techniques, thinking about responding to awkward questions and understanding what the programme makers want.

Maisie joked that she would like to be the weather presenter and we learned about how that section of the programme comes from Leeds. We were able to meet a video journalist and to watch the programme being broadcast live from the gallery where all the technical stuff happens.

At lunch more members of the programme team joined us for a 'Q&A'. Gypsy and Traveller people are a small minority in the UK so it is perhaps understandable that many journalists really don't know much about us, beyond the usual stereotypes. Lots of useful information was shared, the 'awkward' questions were asked, and answered (rubbish, crime, tax, and so on).

So will our members be leaping to 'be on the telly' instead of myself next time Gypsies and Travellers feature on the programme?

Possibly not, yet. However as a first step on the way this visit certainly has raised confidence and interest. For myself I am happy to keep talking about the 'issues' and helping the 成人论坛 to present balanced reporting.

However, knowing that nothing breaks down barriers like people working alongside each other, what I'm really excited about is the possibility that one of my colleagues might one day be making the news, operating the camera or presenting the weather!

The Media on the Move conference explored the past, present and future portrayal of Gypsy, Roma and Traveller communities. It was held by 成人论坛 Outreach and Travellers’ Times, which is a magazine and website for people in the communities and those who work with them.

成人论坛 Outreach & Corporate Responsibility brings the 成人论坛 closer to its audiences - particularly those audiences we have identified as harder to reach - with face-to-face activity, community support and staff volunteering.

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