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Eddie Mair | 10:20 UK time, Thursday, 26 October 2006

newsletter is winging its way to subscribers. We have no idea when it will arrive. By the way we think that Stu was closest to guessing yesterday's arrival time: he said 16.21 and it came at 16.25. Johnnie, you were close, but no cigar. So Stu - drop us an email and we'll sort you out.

It's funny, the power of the newsletter and blog. Liz, one of our stalwart producers who sits next to me some days ("Bus Lane Liz") was on the phone to some august institution just now, asking whether they'd like to come on the PM tonight. The press officer asked: "what on EARTH is going on with the NEWSLETTER??!!" That's right, they said it with two question marks and a matching number of exclamation marks. You know who you are!

More postcards are coming.


  1. At 10:37 AM on 26 Oct 2006, Jeff wrote:

    Wednesday's newsletter arrived in my mailbox at 6.12 a.m. today.

    Classic FM are currently running an ad which gives out the weather of the day before - is the PM programme trying to upstage them?

  2. At 10:38 AM on 26 Oct 2006, HeadMistress wrote:

    Eddie - since you still have not given an adequate explanation - and clearly there are others v. concerned with the welfare of the newsletter, and therefore by proxy Rupert, I'll say it all again:

    It was not very kind of you to make poor Rupert stay behind last night writing lines to us all.
    I have evidence to suggest that he was in the office until after 11.30 p.m. I can only assume that you, or Lissa, obliged him into this task of writing apologies to us all, making him late for his dinner and who knows what else. Did the poor man ever get home last night? Or was he obliged to sleep on the futon?
    It is simply not fair to put all the blame for bloggages, etc., on this poor chap. I hope you will make full amends to him today - I suggest a nice lunch somewhere smart, with a good bottle of wine might be appropriate. Lissa can chip in on the bill.
    Try to put yourself in poor Rupert's shoes - while you were at home amusing yourself with catching up with the Blog, working out new challenges for the bloggers, or possibly doing a bit of online gambling(?), your downtrodden editor was stuck in the office writing lines ........
    It's a disgrace and you should be ashamed of yourself!
    The HeadMistress

  3. At 10:44 AM on 26 Oct 2006, Big Sister wrote:

    Liz talking to some 'august institution' - Presumably they're also frolicking on Day One with the regular bloggers!

  4. At 10:53 AM on 26 Oct 2006, wrote:

    There's a two in three chance that today's weather will be the same as yesterday's. So I applaud Classic's clever cost cutting measure

  5. At 11:01 AM on 26 Oct 2006, wrote:

    I just hope the beach on Day One is large enough for a complete institution!

  6. At 11:17 AM on 26 Oct 2006, OnTheLedge wrote:

    Oh Fred, we can make room for more. The whole BEEB can come if they like ....

  7. At 11:26 AM on 26 Oct 2006, wrote:

    Well done STU !!!!!!

    I'll wait longer next time ;-0

    I graciously accept defeat - however on future competitions can I suggest some runners up prizes.

  8. At 11:46 AM on 26 Oct 2006, wrote:

    Why don't you take Lissa and Rupert to the Rose Revived? Perhaps even an Outside Broadcast from this notable pub?

  9. At 12:10 PM on 26 Oct 2006, wrote:

    Now now, Ian. Don't put ideas into Eddies' head. You know he's too busy scanning postcards and talking to bigwigs to do that!

  10. At 01:14 PM on 26 Oct 2006, Stu wrote:


  11. At 02:22 PM on 26 Oct 2006, ratbert wrote:

    I'm going to assume that my post (with a closer time) must have had some kind of invisibility mode which prevented anyone from seeing it :(

    I was in such a good mood on the way home yesterday, listening to Eric, thinking i'd scooped the ultimate prize.

    Excuse me, i need to go outside and weep.....

  12. At 04:55 PM on 26 Oct 2006, Lucy wrote:

    I am that press officer and the august instiution was the University if Reading.....still no newsletter though

  13. At 06:20 PM on 26 Oct 2006, wrote:

    Well, Lucy, did you exclaim with two question marks and a matching number of exclamation marks??!!

  14. At 09:54 PM on 26 Oct 2006, Lady Penelope wrote:

    Am beginning to think that - having missed a couple of days - this whole thing is going on without me. Have we all gone somewhere else?

  15. At 10:16 PM on 26 Oct 2006, Lady Penelope wrote:

    Lucy (12) - University if reading?

  16. At 10:18 PM on 26 Oct 2006, valery pedant wrote:

    Lady P - I've been poking about all over the place looking too! Too much time on my hands I think...I asked, on another thread, how your Business Plan is going?

  17. At 11:21 PM on 26 Oct 2006, wrote:

    Lady P, ValP. I'm back, and have decided to wind down on the beach in August. Want to join me in a glass of vino?

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