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Welcome to the new Radio Scotland blog

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Alan Braidwood Alan Braidwood | 12:12 UK time, Monday, 15 March 2010

Hello and welcome to the new Radio Scotland blog.

Last week, Jeff Zycinski posted on his blog a message about this one, and here we are.

So, what's it all about, what will we offer and who are 'we'?

We'll go behind the scenes of some of ³ÉÈËÂÛ̳ Radio Scotland's programmes. We'll introduce you to our presenters, their production teams and offer insights about forthcoming programmes - as well as looking back at some of our great archive content.

Each week on the blog we'll highlight new content on the website - photograph galleries, videos, other blogs and extra audio. For example, we can show you some photographs from ³ÉÈËÂÛ̳ Radio Scotland's Funny Turns 2010 comedy night at The Ferry in Glasgow, which was recorded on March 9 and will be broadcast on Friday 26 March.

What topics were discussed on Call Kaye last week? What songs are on this week's ³ÉÈËÂÛ̳ Radio Scotland playlist? Who does Vic have in session on Monday night? Where is Brian Taylor coming from this week and how do you get tickets? Which films are being discussed on The Movie Café? We'll do our best to keep you informed.

We'll ask presenters what music they are listening to, what gigs they've been to, and what they're reading right now. We'll find out more about regular guest presenters such as Susan Calman.

Don't know how to find playlists? Unsure how to locate your favourite programme? We'll be answering your frequently asked questions and once a month we'll take your questions to the key figures across the station and get some answers.

Who are the blog team?

Karen Miller, Alan Braidwood and Simone Byrne

I'm Alan Braidwood and I look after the Radio Scotland website along with Karen and Simone. As editor of this blog I'll try and make what you see online compliment what you can hear on air through photographs, videos, exclusive audio and extra info.

And I'm Karen Miller, the Assistant Producer for ³ÉÈËÂÛ̳ Radio Scotland online. I've been campaigning for this blog for a long time as a way to personalise the website and shout about all the great content, and am delighted it's finally seeing the light of day. I come from a radio background, and produced the station's Brand New Country for five years so I'll try not to stray into the world of Americana music and cowboy boots too often on here although I do hope to be reporting from the Americana Awards in Nashville in September - watch this space...

Simone Byrne here with my first blog entry for the Radio Scotland blog. I'm nervous but absolutely elated to have the chance to blog about all the amazing things that are coming up on Radio Scotland and happening around the ³ÉÈËÂÛ̳ in Scotland. But, first, who am I? Well, I've been working for Radio Scotland in various roles for around 4 years now - from answering the phones for Get It On to reading traffic announcements in the newsroom. I joined the Radio Scotland Online team in 2008 where, under Alan's watchful eye, I've been mostly in charge of the recording and playout of audio for the iPlayer - not that far removed from when I was a lass sitting with a finger on the tape record/play buttons, making up tapes of the week's charts. Anyway, there's always loads to keep me busy here, what with the gizmos and new innovations regularly being added...and the occasional gremlin to deal with! It's never boring. I still reckon iPlayer's absolutely amazing and I'm always astounded by it. As they say, 'you don't need to miss a thing'; 'Listen to what you want, when you want'.

Talking of which here's a few links to programmes you might have missed if you were out and about over the weekend....

Off the Ball - Tam and Stuart share very funny ice cream van memories.

Shereen - Great chat with feminist author Germaine Greer.

Chick Young's World of Football - last week's show included an exclusive interview with Brazilian football legend Carlos Alberto.

So, we're off. Join us for titbits and info from the corridors, offices and studios which make up ³ÉÈËÂÛ̳ Radio Scotland.


  • Comment number 1.

    Nice to see you all adding to the ³ÉÈËÂÛ̳ Blogs! Looking forward to the "chat" and info....Karen feel free to give us as much Americana info as you can!!

  • Comment number 2.

    I have a question! It is only fairly recently I noticed songs popping up again and again (particularly on the Tom Morton Show). Then there was metion of playlists and I can't help but wonder why a playlist is thought neccessary for Radio Scotland given the diversity of the music programmes. Has there always been a Radio Scotland Playlist? If not why bring one in now and how is it decided who makes the list and on what shows the music will be played on??

  • Comment number 3.

    Yestreen's Radio Scotland phone-in programme ‘Call Kaye’ was asking folk for their views on Scots being taught in Schools. I was sure they had recently covered this on the old ‘Morning Extra’, but maybe they thought that with ‘Call Kaye’ being new they’d give it another go. Anyway, I switched over to Radio nan Gàidheal. Mind you, I did phone in to one of her first shows. One of the topics up for discussion was ‘Paranormal Experiences’. I got through to one of the Production Lassies…………

    PL: Good morning. This is ‘Call Kaye’………Eh! Excuse me. What on earth is that horrific shrieking in the background?
    Me: It’s a’ richt quine! It’s just ma Triffids haein’ their porridge.
    PL: Your Triffids?
    Me: Aye! But ne’er mind ‘em. A thocht yis wis wintin’ folk phonin’ in wi’ weird experiences?
    PL: Welllllllll yes. Do you have any?
    Me: Aye! Foo mony div yi’ wint?
    PL: Oh! Ae! Just one would be fine.
    Me: Weel quine, twa or three month syne I was lyin’ in ma pit, fan ava sudden the coat hinger hingin’ on the coat hook on the back o’ ma bedroom door jumped aff an’ mooled aroon a’ wye ower ma room an’ landed on ma dressing table.
    PL: And what did you do?
    Me: I stopped drinkin’cheap vodka.

    They didn’t let me on the programme.

  • Comment number 4.


    Can I add a question? Not that question. Another one...

    How come requests to Get It On sometimes cannot be found, despite the fact that the songs requested have been played previously on, e.g., Travelling Folk and/or the Iain Anderson show?

    Don't all the producers access the same database? If not, why not?

  • Comment number 5.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.


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