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Newsweek Scotland: 30 April 2011

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Derek Bateman Derek Bateman | 14:18 UK time, Tuesday, 3 May 2011

It's the last week of the election as we hurtle to voting day like an out-of-control meteorite heading for a seismic impact that will wipe out politicians like the dinosaurs and change history forever. (calm down, dear...calm down - editor) Yes, it's the final pre-election outing for the Newsweek panel who have led the way by telling you what happened - after it happened. It's what we at the ³ÉÈËÂÛ̳ call analysis. The worry for us though is that it becomes repetitive because the story has been consistent since we started weeks ago...the headline has been the SNP catching up with Labour, overtaking and, as far as we know, staying ahead. The Lib Dems and the Tories look to be in trouble but that's if you apply a universal trend when in reality, people also vote locally for local people and buck those trends. The low level but consistent rise of the Greens is another ever-present.

If there is a change this week then it is the point of Labour's attack - their sights are now trained on Salmond not Cameron but even that leaves big questions. Is it too late to hook the voters on this new idea? Do they know enough about Iain Gray to think it worth swopping to him? Is a new attack too negative, leaving Labour's own plans for government a bit of a blank? Would you really choose a bank holiday in the week of a Royal Wedding to grab public attention?

The comical level to which the New Politics has descended was revealed this week when Labour and the SNP engaged in Asdagate. Labour put out a release claiming that Alex Salmond had cowered in the Ardrossan Asda when Iain Gray came in by chance. The Nats scoffed that Mr Salmond was in the middle of an organised party event and that it was Mr Gray who departed chastened. Film of Mr Gray leaving was posted on the net proving...proving what? That two parties jousting for the honour of governing our nation had lost their dignity. I hope they both handed back their loyalty cards.

Never mind. They say we get the government we deserve. We'll do our best to elucidate and if you really are interested in this story as it develops, don't forget our overnight election special on Thursday. It's a "special" because I have stay awake all night and if I nod off Ken Macdonald will poke me with a biro. We will guide you through to 6 am on Friday when we hope a fair picture is emerging.

This week on Newsweek we a look at Syria which is increasingly falling into the bad books of the West who have always been wary of the key role played by Damascus. We have Trevor Royle and Rosemary Hollis. Russia has again refused to join in condemnation in a motion at the security council. Why? What is the Moscow mindset? We have an interesting look at the final destination of deposed leaders from Gillian Sharpe and a romantic reporters notebook from the fragrant Nick Rougvie who we sent to the royal wedding to represent us. Listen until Saturday 7 May via the ³ÉÈËÂÛ̳ iPlayer.


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