Star Wars: Clone Wars Republic Heroes review
Star Wars is the one of the greatest franchises in movie history. From story, effects to characters you can't fault this brand as a masterpiece. I wanted to be an X Wing pilot! I wanted to be a Jedi Knight! I wanted my own light sabre.
We just need a game to live up to the hype for once .....but I didn't want to play this game after an hour. The only fun part of this game came in the first 30min, as did an annoying Yoda that NEVER leaves you alone. He constantly pops up tutoring you through the game causing you to keep pausing.
Let me break it down for you, its an action platform game that's as stiff as a card board boxes with PS2 graphics and eventual repetitive game play.This is for the die hard Star Wars fan who see's no wrong in whatever they bring out, so just add this to the collectables next to the Luke Skywalker doll in original packing or leave it in the shop.
Rated 12
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