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Tuesday, 19 January 2010

Anna F | 21:00 UK time, Tuesday, 19 January 2010

Jings! Is that Cupid's arrow overhead? With the amount of lusty looks floating around Shieldinch you'd think a love potion had been dropped in the water system.

The Ship's speed dating night looked like a riot, eh? Unsurprisingly Iona was well into it! We've learned to be wary of tattooed men with advances like: "You wanna touch my dragon's tail?". Iona'll be moshing at a Rage Against the Machine gig before long, we reckon.

Ruth's internet date scored highly on the hotness front, but it seemed his windsurfing chat didn't float her boat. No, a certain crimper caught Ruth's eye - what do you think about her and Gordon? Ooh!


  • Comment number 1.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 2.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 3.

    Iona is like a breath of fresh air, welcome back chick you were missed.

    I am now re posting my questions would a member of staff please reply.

    2. At 2:55pm on 29 Nov 2009, eloise wrote:
    Please have a look at the following Julie, I would really appreciate some sort of reply.

    Getting a bit fed up of characters returning.... only to go missing again with no expalanation..

    1. Heather goes into Versus as Ewan is chatting to Sammi, never to be seen again, where is she and what is happening with Versus ?????

    2. Tommy returns and it promises to be a case of Lenny getting what he deserves at last, 2 episodes later and where is he ????

    3. Eddie's murder, where are the Police, why has the case not been solved ?????

    4. Sammi's fiance why was there no Police investigation in to the hit and run ?????

    5. Archie and Mary disappear, why no questions asked as to their where abouts ?????

    6. Why has Marty never returned to try and gain some sort of access to the baby he was so obsessed with Ruth having ????

    7. What happened to the AWOL soldier ????

    8. Where is Kelly-Marie ????

    9. Where is Stevie, surely he should be out by now ?????

    10. Where is Viv, has she popped back to time travel with the Doctor ???

    11. When I went on the tour, there is a dental surgery in Montego Street, why has no one EVER had to go there ?????

    12. Where are the replacement Priests for Father Michael etc ?????

    I could go on , so many unanswered questions, just not good enough really.

  • Comment number 4.

    Can somebody PLEASE tell me who played Mary, Lenny's ex-wife in the show? Not knowing is driving me crazy! Thanks!

  • Comment number 5.

    Just caught up with the last two episodes. Sorry I thought they were a bit of a nothing. Can't really get in to the students, the brother and sister are like middle-aged choir members. They don't do anything. The Murdoch's and the Adam's are the show now, when they don't feature its boring!

  • Comment number 6.

    loulou I think she is called Anna Hepburn, hope that helps chick xx

  • Comment number 7.

    Hi loulou and eloise
    We checked this out for you, and apparently Lenny's ex-wife Mary was played by Judy Sweeney. An actress called Anna Hepburn DID play a character called Mary, AKA Max, the former companion of Jen's deceased upstairs neighbour Miss Walton.

    The credits of this episode of the 5 January lists Anna Hepburn's name, when she played:
    You would certainly win in a quiz about all things Shieldinch though! :)

  • Comment number 8.

    Loving Tom Urie as Big Bob.
    Tonight's episode was fab and Tom made me laugh out loud, keep him in Please!!

  • Comment number 9.

    Thanks, StarLight37, we are loving Big Bog too. We love any scenes with him and Molly - the big man getting pushed around by his mammy is something we're all familiar with in Scotland, eh?

  • Comment number 10.

    That'll be Big BOB not Big Bog - don't want to give him an unfortunate nickname :)

  • Comment number 11.

    Great to have Iona back again.The speed dating was hillarious with Ruth and Iona especially when she said hes shown me his Iron Maiden on his belly and next time hes promised to show me his Meatloaf,that was hillarious.The speed dating was hillarious and the characters were so funny the guy with the bow tie was so funny.When he said to Iona you look like my mother that was sooo funny and some of the one liners that were comming out was very clever and funny.Really pleased that Ruth is now with Haleys dad im sure he will never hurt her or let her down.A very enjoyable programme makes Tuesday night worth staying in for.



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