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Tuesday, 26 January 2010

Anna F | 21:00 UK time, Tuesday, 26 January 2010

It's not often these words are said round here but - poor Innes. We think he's been ignoring the doctor's advice, and Jen's concern, because he's terrified. He's a stubborn lad, but he must be gutted at having to give up boxing.

And we are loving the scenes with Scarlett and Molly. You gotta feel sorry for Big Bob: his mammy and sister fighting over him, like he's the last sack of tatties in the shop. Who'll win in the end? We reckon Molly will have a few sneaky tricks up her sleeve to keep the big man at her beck and call. Can't wait to see the feathers flying!


  • Comment number 1.

    Its starting to bore me. Us poor men are always getting the worst of it.
    [Unsuitable/Broken URL removed by Moderator]Mike Bulatovich

  • Comment number 2.

    Unfortunately, River City reached nadir last night.

    Why oh why would the doctor breach patient confidentiality by discussing a condition with said patient's friends. Further, why would she chase them around the streets? Have the script writers never been to see a doctor before? For the show to end in the doctor's house was absolutely absurd as well - where was her husband?

    I'm also disappointed with the completely inaccurate portrayal of epilepsy. Credit to the show for tackling the issue but there is no way that the boy would collapse and have a fit after having been booed at a boxing event. That was a pathetic scene.

    The show has become a complete joke.

  • Comment number 3.

    Oh dear. Not happy that the writers are tweaking all of the characters' personalities again (as if we wouldn't notice). I'm particularly annoyed that all of the female characters now are either moaning minnies (even Liz now) or control freaks in need of medication (Jen, Scarlett and Molly.) The men aren't much better - it says something when Lenny is the only man not feeling sorry for himself. Bring back the strong characters of Shieldinch.

    Agree that Marianne's competence is sorely lacking. What GP has time to run around the streets looking to meddle in patients' lives? She should be in her office signing forms to put people on the sick!

  • Comment number 4.

    I cannot agree that the show is a joke, as bad as it did get in the past I still stuck with it, thank goodness the writers listened and got rid of the cheesy music and the plots concerning Marianne etc, I was so glad to see the return of not only Tommy but also Heather and now of course the wonderful Iona, but I am still waiting for a decent response to the following, so Anna please have a look, we still have good weeks and bad weeks but it will never ever be depressing like Eastenders !! I stopped watching that years ago.......

    I am now re posting my questions would a member of staff please reply.

    2. At 2:55pm on 29 Nov 2009, eloise wrote:
    Please have a look at the following Julie, I would really appreciate some sort of reply.

    Getting a bit fed up of characters returning.... only to go missing again with no expalanation..

    1. Heather goes into Versus as Ewan is chatting to Sammi, never to be seen again, where is she and what is happening with Versus ?????

    2. Tommy returns and it promises to be a case of Lenny getting what he deserves at last, 2 episodes later and where is he ????

    3. Eddie's murder, where are the Police, why has the case not been solved ?????

    4. Sammi's fiance why was there no Police investigation in to the hit and run ?????

    5. Archie and Mary disappear, why no questions asked as to their where abouts ?????

    6. Why has Marty never returned to try and gain some sort of access to the baby he was so obsessed with Ruth having ????

    7. What happened to the AWOL soldier ????

    8. Where is Kelly-Marie ????

    9. Where is Stevie, surely he should be out by now ?????

    10. Where is Viv, has she popped back to time travel with the Doctor ???

    11. When I went on the tour, there is a dental surgery in Montego Street, why has no one EVER had to go there ?????

    12. Where are the replacement Priests for Father Michael etc ?????

    I could go on , so many unanswered questions, just not good enough really.

  • Comment number 5.

    Viewer11 and wic2007 - thanks for your comments.

    eloise - thanks for your passionate enthusiasm and comments about River City.
    However, the points about the different characters and locations are off topic. The blog is a place for conversations and dialogue about ongoing River City storylines and features in the news.

    The River City team will see and respond to the points you’ve raised if you submit your queries to the following site:

    The blog is a place for having conversations about River City and we are unable to go into detailed replies for individual queries.

    There are more details about the use of bbc blogs here:

  • Comment number 6.

    I hate being critical of the show, but the boxing stuff was awful, if Innes is a boxer, then I'm Amir Khan! The doctor stuff was poor too. The standards have dropped again.

  • Comment number 7.

    Anna thank you so much for the reply, I will forward my questions, I am loving the programme, and like I say I will stick with it through thick and thin, all the soaps have quiet times and I think that reflects real life in general, either that or we start to go down the route of Midsomer Murders for example, now that would be boring, so come on everyone stick with it, it's a great home grown soap, so support it, we have some fantastic characters and some absolutely brilliant actors/actresses so please at least give them a chance, they do their best with the scripts they have.

  • Comment number 8.

    Just got my laptop back after being fixed so at long last i can give a comment.Loving River City its just been so funny regarding Scarletts family especially big Bob.Una Mclean is brilliant as Scarletts mother really funny story lines and poor big Bob just cant seem to get a job.Scarlet gave up in the end trying to get him a job,it was so funny regarding what happened at Ginas cafe.Surely their must be a job out their for him somewhere,maybe a job like Jimmys got.I couldnt blame Scarlet chucking Molly out jings shes something else,poor Scarlet tried to bite her tongue and it wasnt easy for her.That was really nice that Malcolm has asked Liz to marry him,they make a lovely couple and hopefully Liz will say yes.As for Innis yes it is a shame but he will be able to live with the epilepsy and im sure Charley and Jen will keep an eye on him.Cant understand why folk that write in seem to think that no way would that happen when he was being jeered and taunted and he took a fit.Stress can bring it on it can come on anytime and it was good that Mariann came to see Innis to tell him rather than phone him up.If Charleys sister hadnt told Mariann about him taking part in the fight then Innis would have been knocked out and he would have made the epilepsy worse.So its a blessing that she found out when she did to stop the fight.Keep up the great story lines fair enjoying it,thankyou.

  • Comment number 9.

    I can't believe that Eloise's comments are "off topic" and the reason I even registered for the ³ÉÈËÂÛ̳ site was to voice similar concerns. What is happening to the writing on River City?

    Why is there no consistency in the characters? For example, since Bob got back from Prague Nicki's personality has changed to fit the story line. This is just one example, there are several others, Although glad to see Iona back, in her first week she was a different character only to return to a more recognisable Iona the following week. I could list more but I won't in case that is "off topic"

    To sum up, why should the viewers care about the characters and story lines if the writers and the cast don't bother. Sort it out, please.

  • Comment number 10.

    OMG Gordon (Sandy Welch) is the best actor i have ever seen i dont watch rivercity but there was nothing on so i jsut put it on and seen gordon act he is brilliant so i am goin to continue to watch rivercity hope he is in it for another 5 yearsss omg i love him !!!! x



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