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Spring has sprung!

Anna F | 08:50 UK time, Wednesday, 24 March 2010

Well, looks like Spring's well and truly arrived in the 'Inch. No, we're not talking about the daffs in bloom; good ol' fashioned spring LUST is much in evidence. There's Lee snogging his once-supposed half-sister Amber; Robbie and Hayley going gaga over Adrian; Innes and Jen's mate Beth, and Deek getting starry-eyed over Stella.
Someone needs to take a bucket of water to them all!

And the garage has been hiding a love guru by the sounds of things, eh?
Loved Bob's advice, on matters of the heart, to Deek. And Mr Adam's assessment of his own romantic career: "Two, nearly three engagements , Deek. Many women'. There'll be no more smooching for you, young Bob, if Molly's diet of artery-clogging brekkies continues!


  • Comment number 1.

    Michty me that was some party.Had to laugh at Robbie and Haley topping up the punch with more and more alcohol very funny.They both got absolutely sozzled but they were determined to enjoy themselves that night.OOOPS that could have broken up a really good friendship between Robbie and Haley.Thank goodness they got it sorted out and are still the best of friends.Poor Lee he just doesnt know what to do regarding Amber,and poor Amber just feels so rejected.As for when Amber went into see her dad i felt so sorry for her,poor lassie.Well Molly has been up to mischief again, poor Stella.At least Mollys been found out now so hopefully things will get back to normal again with Deek and Stella.



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