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Little Bob lost

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Anna F | 17:54 UK time, Sunday, 19 September 2010

Bob in distress

Bob's stuck in a whirlwind of tangled lies, double-bluff and half-truths. No wonder he hot-footed it out of Shieldinch to clear his head.

Paddy Adams was a bad one and that's no mistake, but sleeping with your sister's husband is not a good idea. We did actually feel a wee bit sorry for Theresa up until this point - but how should the family progress, as the skeletons tumble forth?


  • Comment number 1.

    First and foremost. Bring back BOB!!!! He's the nicest guy in shieldinch and this is some seriously bad stuff happening to such a good guy. I take it in real life - He's on holiday somewhere?

    I think he needs to come back, perhaps with a new love in his life? If so, she could perhaps be ethnically diverse... Jamaican would be cool. With a cool jamaican accent. A little colour in Shieldinch.

    Alternatively Bob could come back an angry man... Changed from the Bob we love to a total bad boy... Although this seems a tad sacreligious. But it would be a big break from the norm. He could be the new Lenny Murdoch!!!! LMAO!!!

    Also i really dislike Bob's biological mother, she's evil... And not cool evil. But just a total rotten apple... So kudos to Maureen Carr who plays the role really well. Although Theresa reminds me of a big evil Janette Krankie... Hmmm...

    Lets see what other folks think...

    But we definitely want BOB back in shieldinch!!! He's the heart of the show!!!


  • Comment number 2.

    Infact - further to my previous comment, If the writers for the show ever read this blog... You would make my year if you could get Theresa to say
    "Fan-dabi-dozi"... I would be forever in your debt as this would be HILARIOUS...

    Ciao for now.

    P.S Bring back Bob and some racial variety in sheildinch. :-)

  • Comment number 3.

    Wow you really don't like Theresa Kez, I'm really enjoying the Theresa/Bob/Scarlett stuff, so I hope Bob comes back too. I'm all for getting some stars in from the past, how about The Alexander Brothers, I'm sure they'd have a story to tell!!!!!

  • Comment number 4.

    I'm all for 'racial variety' as Kez says, but you can't just put someone in because of the colour of their skin; it's got to be part of a plausible story-line and not some stereotyped character. Shieldinch is a small community within a larger, more diverse city, so it is perfectly reasonable that the populace is as it is. I stay in a city with a very high ethnic population, but very few families live in my immediate neighbourhood.

  • Comment number 5.

    could anybody help me im looking for the name of a song and singers name which was playing in ambers house tonight when lee asked her to move to france please thank you

  • Comment number 6.

    Soooooooooooooooo bored of the whole amber/lee story line. Either get to the point (He is a woman beater) or move on. It's uncomfartable to watch and sorry to say been addressed too many times. The characters are unconvincing and the acting is stiff and unrealistic. The guy has the most annoying accent in the history of tv!!! Lets get past this rubbish and get back to the best river city can offer. x

  • Comment number 7.

    Howdy Elaine - I agree that we cant just throw in characters but i feel that the show should be reflective of the real world. New characters are introduced all the time, think of all the characters that have joined this year alone.

    "Where is Shieldinch? Is it a real place?

    Shieldinch is actually a set consisting of four tenement blocks, a pub, shops and a boatyard. It is based on a number of different places in and around the west end of Glasgow, like Whiteinch and Partick. It was created especially for the show and took 8 months to build."
    Partick and whiteinch are diverse places. I've worked there, i know. lol.
    Also there arent very few ethnic families in shieldinch, there are none! LMAO... Zero... Zilch... Nada... Just Chris (Dean Fagan)

    Natalie - Lee is such a creeeeeeeepy guy! Wrapping amber around his little finger... I'm hoping that amber see's sense.

    I'm also liking Big bob more and more - he's such a nice guy with an amazing musical talent! He needs a love interest! I reckon he should be asking Iona out and succeeding! The big man can melt hearts!!!

    River City needs to be coming up with new challenging story lines.
    I reckon Big Bob should get signed by a record label and become all popular and rich. A total change in fortune is required for the big chap!

    And bring back wee boab!

  • Comment number 8.

    Saw Theresa in Taggart the other night, playing another Theresa, so I wondered what else the actress who plays her, Maureen Carr has done. I looked her up and found that she'd done loads, and has won a BAFTA award for best actress and a New York Film Festival award too, which I thought really was Fan Dabi Dozy! It got me wondering if any of the other actors in RC have won awards, or maybe the directors or writers. And has RC ever won anything? Thanks

  • Comment number 9.

    Kez, I'm well aware that Shieldinch is a composit of various places, but I still maintain it is reflective of the real world. There are pockets of every city just like this, and yes, there is Chris, but if we're talking about ethnic diversity, there is also the Rossi family. Bottom line is, everybody's idea of 'normality' and 'real life' differs, and much as we might like to see this portrayed on TV, chances are it's not going to happen. Other programmes have forced the race issue, and it's never been particularly successful imo. Best idea is to go with the flow, enjoy the programme and dinna fasch ower things ye cannae change!

  • Comment number 10.

    I saw Maureen Carr in a play at the Citizens, and it took me several weeks of seeing her on RC before I realised it was the same person I'd seen on stage. So what impresses me about her is the physical transformation she goes through to "become" Theresa. Even her voice is different.

  • Comment number 11.

    Elaine - We're the fans!!! We can change anything.

    It is the greatest of all mistakes to do nothing because you can only do little - do what you can. ~Sydney Smith

    It only takes one man (or woman) to change the world. :-)

    I'd hope the writers of the show read this blog.
    Or somebody from the ³ÉÈËÂÛ̳.

    To be clear, i'm not suggesting forcing any issues of race but merely introducing some characters from a different racial background. I know a lot of people with a Glasgow accent and a variety of skin colours.

    Why cant there be a black doctor, chinese hairdresser, indian barman in the pub. I can't think of a logical argument against adding a bit of colour... As long as they're good actors!!! I'd also like them to be homegrown! IE with a Scottish accent... But they have to be good actors!!!

    River city is Scotland's major soap and should be reflective of Scotland.

    Look at Eastenders - It reflects the east end of London.
    Coronation Street - relfects manchester
    Hollyoaks - reflects the life of troubled young people at the college/uni.

    River city should relfect the west end of sunny Glasgow.

    I think i might start liking Maureen Carr... As an actress she has serious talent in making us dislike her with her wee sneaky ways - Her voice, her darting eyes & manerisms... So she's clearly good at her job...
    But i really hate theresa for what she did to Bob! lol.
    So i hate theresa but i'm going to try & like maureen carr... Simple! :-)

    I forgot about Gordon using iona to try and break up Jack and Hayley! OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. I don't see jack and hayley lasting to be honest...

  • Comment number 12.

    Kez - There has been characters in the past from many different backgrounds, ethnic and otherwise, and I dare say there will be again. Life is constantly changing, so in my opinion, there will never be an accurate reflection of this on any TV prog. As far as the other soaps reflecting life in other cities as you suggest, I'm hellish glad not to stay there, but you obviously know more about those areas than I do. All I will say is I've been to Manchester many times, and have yet to see an armed seige, buildings blowing up or a transgender wedding, nor has anywhere been serving hot-pot.

    Also I'm quite aware that people have the power to change things, but I prefer to put my energies into something more serious, not to what is essentially an hour of very good entertainment exactly as it is.

  • Comment number 13.

    True elaine there have been characters previously from many different racial backgrounds. It's just ashame none stuck around in Shieldinch.
    Although you might count the rossi's... I did find it quite funny when they changed jo's. (From Allison Mckenzie to Lisa Gardiner)

    I appreciate what your saying with regards to story-lines not being reflective of real life. If the storylines in soaps were the same as plain old real life, we probably wouldnt watch them. lol.

    My issue isnt with the storylines. It's with the lack of consistant racial diversity on the show.

    And I'm just one of those people who put energy into everything they do. Whether it's work, play or river city. I'll just keep voicing my concerns until i get a tangible answer from the river city team or the ³ÉÈËÂÛ̳.

    Ciao ciao

    P.S Bring back wee Boab!!!

  • Comment number 14.

    p.p.s by consistant i mean developing the same character... Not interjecting a single black/brown character for a limited time...

    Still wanting wee boab back in shieldinch! LOL...

  • Comment number 15.

    A great episode this week and nice to see some new faces coming on to the show. The gorgeous young guy giving Deek the high five and shouting "the cops are coming" will keep my two teenage daughters glued to the screen and stop them moaning about having to watch it twice a week. I think with any soap they should realize if they can get the young teenagers watching then the adults will watch too, in this day and age it is about family viewing and nothing strikes a chord like good looking boys to keep the girls interested.

  • Comment number 16.

    Excellent acting from all of them especially wee Bob.Poor lad he must be gutted finding out Scarlet is not his mum and Theresa is.That was really horrible of Theresa telling Bob his dad was still alive and tryin to get him to go to London with her to try and find him, when he was allready dead.That was so cruel and thankfully Molly had the sense to tell Scarlet and stop Theresa going away with wee Bob.Then if that wasnt enough he found out his dad was Paddy.Poor Bob hes certainly going through a traumatic time which is a shame.No much wonder he took off in a taxi to get away poor guy is just shell shocked.Felt so sorry for Scarlet. Theresa has certainly opened up a can of worms Scarlet is just broken hearted that Bob has left and now shes found out that Paddy is Bobs father.Looking forward to finding out what happens next.Jimmy must be very upset too as him and wee Bob get on great together.As for Deeks little performance last week what is going on?cant he see that Stella does still care very much about him and to spoil the meeting Stella was chairing was not the best of ideas.Great to see Stella fighting back the troublemakers shes a tough wee cookie thats for sure.I hope Deek will now take a tummel tae himself and realise what he actually has got,and that Stella does care about him as well as all his friends.

  • Comment number 17.

    Thanks for all your comments. The programme team certainly do keep across what is written on the blog and your feedback is always welcome.

    I saw Maureen Carr in a film years ago called ‘Solid Air’ – she is a very strong actress with lots of experience in film and theatre aside from TV. She certainly lights up the screen as evil Theresa!

    Your thoughts on the ethnicity of the cast are really interesting. The River City team try to include a diverse mix of characters in the cast and in the storylines. We agree with you completely about there being a need for River City to reflect the ethnic diversity of modern Scotland, Kez. So, with this in mind, the programme makers have got some new exciting stories and characters coming up very shortly.

    Keep your eyes peeled for information appearing on the blog, and in the press, about a new, modern, multi-racial family who’ll be arriving on Montego Street - within days! There’ll be more information later in the week so watch this space.

  • Comment number 18.

    Oh, and carolann, thanks for your query about the song.
    I got a reply for you from the programme team. The song played was by Adele and it was called 'Make You Feel My Love'. All the best, Anna

  • Comment number 19.

    Hi Anna. Thanks for all the info. When I looked up Maureen Carr's name I came across the BAFTA award for best actress that she won for a film called One Life Stand. I couldn't see her name on the film Solid Air, though I'm only going by IMDB, I haven't seen either film. Any info on how to get a copy of the one Maureen Carr was in. Thanks again.

  • Comment number 20.

    I just want to tell you all how lucky you are having River City on your tv programming! I live in Ohio and if it wasn't for the most wonderful niece in the world taping episodes for me I would be lost. I love the show! I don't usually look ahead like I did tonight to see what is happening but I did have a peek and I too am upset that wee Boab is gone and I hope thta he is back soon. I can't even watch the video clips as for some reason they say 'not available in your area'....drat! As an exiled Glaswegian I can only state that no matter how upset you get with some of the scenes just be happy you get the show at all! It is asuch a talented group of actors and the writers do a wonderful job, not many shows have the humour that River does mixed in with such tragedy! (at times!) Congratulations to all involved! jean miller!

  • Comment number 21.

    Thanks for your comments, Jean. We're glad that you're enjoying the show. Due to rights restrictions, however, ³ÉÈËÂÛ̳ iPlayer Television programmes are only available to users to the UK. there's more information on the availability of video cips outside the UK here:

    Thanks for getting in touch, molly1977. I'm getting my films mixed up so I apologise. You are correct - Maureen Carr won a BAFTA for One Life Stand in 2000. May Miles Thomas directed One Life Stand and Solid Air, which is where the mix-up happened. Both films are well worth looking out for.



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