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A Classic Tale of Boy Meets Boy

Amy Thurgood | 10:42 UK time, Friday, 22 June 2012

It was a case of secrets and lies this week in Shieldinch with everybody keeping something from somebody else.

And, if nothing else, we can say that we mostly have a bunch of smart cookies in our hood. Most people saw through the nonsense, the subterfuge, and the baloney. We had Molly seeing right through Robbie's worries and giving him the 'treat 'em mean, keep 'em keen' advice (plus preventing a buzz cut, well spotted). Tattie sniffed out the cheeky pack of crisps peeking out Bob's back pocket as well as the terrifically well-hidden ENTIRE BOX from earlier. And there was no pulling the wool over Gabriel's eyes when Leyla fell asleep *COUGH passed out * after a glass *COUGH bottle* of wine. Yeah, Leyla, we totally believe you.

We say mostly because there was one person who just seemed ever so curiously befuddled. Who seems not to have a scoobie what on earth's going on with the folk around him. Who you ask? Why, our very own Doctor Dan. Not notice anything unusual, did you? In Leyla's midden with her still in her PJs, doc? Robbie crying in the middle of the street and looking horrified when you mention the homophobic attack? Big Bob breaking into the crisp packet the minute you turned your back? Nothing at all to suggest that not everything was 100%? Come on, Doc! You're supposed to be our hero-surgeon type who sorts everybody out. You're supposed to have a sixth sense about these things. We believe in you!

However, joking aside, it seemed like the people who were most taken in, were lying to themselves. Oh Will and Robbie, we were over the moon when our lads got engaged this week! It was all so perfect until it all went so wrong. The boys may say that everything is all right but Will's violent streak is becoming trickier to ignore. Whatever Robbie said, he did not deserve to be smacked up against the wall and as much as Will might say 'it'll never happen again' it's a dangerous path to be going down. For now, it looks like the boys have made up but poor Robbie seemed more that a little concerned at the end of his engagement party. Here's hoping Will manages to control that temper of his and doesn't take it out of our Robbie again.

In other news, Leyla continues to drink the lala juice until she can block out everything and succeeded in nearly burning the house down. Thank goodness our dashing Mr Brodie was there to save the day. Anyone else all a-flutter when he kicked the door down in a manly fashion? However, in true Nicole style, the thanks he got was to be immediately kicked out without so much as a thank-you-cuppa. But this meant we did get treated to the wonderful sight of Stevie looking very confused at a power drill as he prepared to fix the front door. He did not seem confident, did he? Here's hoping that they can get the door fixed before next week. Come on, Leyla! We know things are tough and the kids are obnoxious (though they're kids so it's kind of their job) but you seem to be teetering on the edge there. Fingers crossed she lays off the binge drinking in bed, for her kids if nothing else.

Next week: Sean is giving Gabriel more marching orders, never a good sign, and Angie, our favourite no nonsense girl, is back. And do we see her chatting with Gabe?

Quote of the week:

Molly: (With horror) Whit are you doing wi' that?! I'm no wanting a baldy!


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