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STOP! Oh yes, wait a minute Mr Postman...

Vikki Tennant | 14:11 UK time, Friday, 1 June 2012

Leyla and Nicole

We knew this episode was going to throw spanners at Shieldinch when Molly was so cheerful with the local postie. Something wicked this way comes.....

...much like this little spanner here. You might remember The One And Only Vikki Tennant abandoned us for rehab a little while back. Well, through the secret medium of Chinese Whispers she's finally been back in touch...I leave you in her hands...

Dear blog-fans, no, I haven't gone the way of my brother Cameron Tennant, I'm pleased to tell you that rumours of my death have been greatly exaggerated. However, it's been a busy couple of months for me which is why I left the Blog in the capable hands of MAMY. After the horrors of the Shieldinch Sex Tape I had to take some time out but just as I got over the night terrors, Lenny Murdoch found out that I'd stolen some of his drug money. He gave me an ultimatum - get out of Shieldinch within 24hours or be forced to listen to Murray's fishing tales for 2 hours. Well, of course, I just had to go. Unfortunately, I now find myself indebted to a moustache twirling villain by the name of Brendan Brady in a sleepy little village called Hollyoaks... So, what I'm trying to say in my roundabout way is I won't be back L It's very exciting but I'm really sad to be leaving River City. I've had a great couple of years on the show and I'm really going to miss it. What will I do without Tattie as an outlet for all my potato puns?! Thank you to everyone who has followed the Blog, I hope you've enjoyed reading it as much as I've enjoyed writing it! I hate half-baked goodbyes so all I'll say is... Vikki is 'scone' for now.

We'll miss her muchly. We're just grateful she hasn't gone the way of a certain Doctor's wife and started spending her nights downing wine and ordering random parcels (at least, we don't think so....). We know she's stressed from all that sneaking around with Sir Gabe, but seriously?! (Leyla that is, not Vicki, that rumour is completely unfounded).

So BIG drama in the Brodie household this week! And the day didn't even start well for them what with Nicole and Stevie having to play Mummy and Daddy to Adeeb and Conor. (Though Stevie playing Dad with the terrible twosome was very cute - awwww!) He even managed to cut Nicole down to size with some home truths. Wow, that's a miracle worker and a half.

Meanwhile, Leyla's been sleeping soundly (i.e. drunkenly) with the contents of an off licence stashed under her bed. Not only is it the least obvious place EVER to hide your booze, we at RC Towers imagine its probably not the easiest place to get to with all those shoes, dresses, spa brochures arriving through the postbox. She's got to stash those somewhere!

And weirdly, Zinnie's conscience seems to be rearing its head again. Wait is she....human after all?! Poor Zinnie - she's no angel but getting the blame for Leyla's drunken escapades isn't fair! We almost (almost) feel sorry for her. Perhaps...she shouldn't have so blatantly accused Leyla of being a raging alcoholic in the street but she'll learn! She certainly didn't convince Nicole...until the Young Ms Brodie went sneaking in Leyla's bedroom. What's she hoping to find? Uncle Gabe hiding under the bed? Like father like daughter! It's that kind of paranoid behaviour that is getting her Dad so riled in the nick. That was a heck of a talking to from Michael. No wonder Leyla was getting ready to tank the booze and let rip at Stevie. Who's taken my incredibly well-hidden stash of booze?!! We quite fancy our chances against Leyla in a game of hide and seek.

But our Poor Stevie - he blames himself for everything. Cammy, his murder, rubbish roast potatoes and...he's lost it, oh god, he's lost it! But he really was having to do everything around the house and talking to his mother-in-law about her drinking habits really was the last straw. After their incredibly awkward chat about her sex life as well. No wonder he finally let rip at Nicole when she demanded he make roast tatties as well. So a bit of harsh reality for Our Nic. And what did she learn from all this? Give the alkie more wine! Smooth move. We can see that ending well.

This week is just one surprise after another for RC Towers. Just when we thought the Evil Dr M couldn't come back from her mean treatment of Big Bob, she just redeems herself with a few kind words to Stella. We'd forgotten just how much life has turned around for Stella, so no wonder she's worried that she's messed up her future. But she seems to found an ally in Dr M. Lets hope everything falls into place for the arrival of a wee Wee Bob!

Ahhh Deek. Now we know you haven't been the luckiest in love, so living under the same roof as Shieldinch's greatest love affair can't be easy. But trying to quash their love with...paperwork?! Dearest Derek, step away from the stapler and realise this one isn't another flash in the pan. Our Robster's in love. Also, Will is like double your height and a hunky policeman. You were never going to win in that fight!

Next week: Tatiana is back trying to save poor souls when Silvie rocks back up in Shieldinch. But is that Shady Sean hot on her tail?

Quote of the week:
Stevie: Nicole, I don't think I can do this!
Nicole: Sure you can. You just add oil or something.


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