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Follow the story: Under Milk Wood takes to Twitter

Laura Chamberlain

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A new production of Dylan Thomas' will reach a very different audience tomorrow as characters including Dai Bread, Cherry Owen and Captain Cat take to Twitter for a performance.

Staff at the Dylan Thomas Centre in Swansea will perform an element of Thomas' well-known and loved work on Friday 10 May.

A different extract from the play - centred around the fictional Welsh fishing village of Llareggub - was , to coincide with National Poetry Day.

This new Under Milk Wood exchange will be made up of 31 tweets, which will be sent between 10am and 4.30pm across the day. Once the performance has finished, people can tweet in any Dylan-related questions they may have.

Dylan Thomas making a broadcast at the 成人论坛 in November 1948

Cllr Nick Bradley, Swansea Council's cabinet member for regeneration, said: "Extracts from a different part of Under Milk Wood were performed on Twitter last year, and the event was hugely successful.

"It helped win Dylan Thomas even more fans and showed his works can be performed in a very modern way.

"Dylan was a man of words and it's fair to say he'd probably have been very active on Twitter had it been around in his heyday.

"Performing another extract from Under Milk Wood on Twitter will help raise further awareness of Dylan not just in the UK, but across the world too because of Twitter's global reach."

If you would like to follow the play as it unfolds, follow the Dylan Thomas Centre on Twitter - - and use the hashtag #milkwood to take part in the discussion on the day.

For more information visit .

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