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The fungus among us

Jody Bourton

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I really wish I knew a bit more about theses fungal profusions. Apparently they can even move around!

You can also eat them, of course. But you should be careful as some species are extremely .

Also with the recent trend in foraging for you own food, some fungi have been hit hard as people have unwittingly removed and potentially damaged fungi communities.

Check out some other fabulous fungi photos on the 成人论坛 Wales Nature group.

I'm currently on location near Petworth Deer Park as we prepare for the latest series of which starts on 成人论坛 Two on Monday 27 October.

This is the week when thestart their rut and it's a great location in beautiful surroundings.

The park also hosts some other great wildlife to boot with many species and present, I've been told.

Over the next few days we'll be filming the deer to see which males are going to be the head honchos of the group and the ones that will most likely end up with all the ladies.

Great science and story behind these beautiful deer. I'll keep you updated as to how we get on.

Only three days to transmission - yikes!

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