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Quiet weather due to high pressure

Derek Brockway

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The weather at the moment is quiet and settled thanks to high pressure. The main headache for forecasters this week will be predicting cloud amounts and the implications this will have on sunshine and temperatures and whether there is fog and frost.

Under high pressure the air sinks and warms and this can create a . 

Normally temperature falls with height but with an inversion it rises so that the top of a hill can be much warmer than the valley below.

This has been the case recently with , while above the inversion, on higher ground, it is warm and sunny.

Tenby on 9 February 2015 by Mandy Llewellyn

At night, if the sky is clear with little wind, the temperature can drop like a stone. Last night, for example, the temperature in Tredegar fell as low as -1°C with a frost, but this afternoon the temperature soared to over 11°C with plenty of sunshine, making it feel like spring.

There's more dry weather to come over the next few days but on Friday low pressure may bring some rain, although this is by no means definite yet.

Weather chart Tuesday 10 February 2015

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