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Lapland comes to Kenfig

Martin Aaron

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Forget Santa - it's far too early to be talking about **** and I've promised myself I won't mention that particular word until at least December.

So what else comes from Lapland I hear you cry?

Well... the answer is - the Lapland bunting of course!

This little chap was recently been spotted at Kenfig Nature Reserve near Porthcawl by Flickr regular - Mike McCarthy.

Mike had heard rumours of a sighting so popped down on the off chance of seeing one. He was surprised to find a fairly tame bird, sat just 3 metres from him - happily posing for photos!

Lapland Bunting by Mike McCarthy:

Here's the description:

"Slightly smaller than a reed bunting with a well marked head pattern, chestnut nape and chestnut wing panel. It spends most of its time on the ground and often seen in small flocks."

Lapland Bunting by Mike McCarthy:

"Occasional birds are seen in Scotland in the summer, when males have a striking black crown, face and throat."

These birds are normally found along the east coast of Britain, arriving from September through to November and leaving by May - no doubt to avoid our lousy summers!

So we should consider ourselves quite privileged to have them visiting us in South Wales.

If you've seen anything unusual visiting our shores then do get in touch and let me know -


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