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St. Dwynwen's Day

Derek Brockway

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Today is a special day -

Dwynwen for those of you who don't know, is the patron saint of Welsh lovers.

The weather today hasn't been great for a romantic stroll. Some places have been dry with a little sunshine on north coast and mild with temperatures in Flintshire up to 12 Celsius but generally it's been cloudy.

In the west and the northwest, it's been damp and windy with gales in Snowdonia and gusts over 60mph recorded at Capel Curig.

This evening a cold front over Ireland will move east bringing a spell of heavy rain followed clearer weather and a few showers.

The wind will ease once the rain clears and it will be turning colder with lowest temperatures 1 to 4 Celsius and a risk of icy patches on some untreated roads.

Tomorrow morning you will notice the drop in temperature as it will feel noticeably colder.

Some places will start dry and bright with some sunshine but showers will become more widespread during the day - some of them heavy with hail, thunder and sleet and snow on the hills and mountains, mainly above 400 metres or 1200 feet.

Top temperatures tomorrow will be 6 to 9 Celsius and breezy, especially along the south and west coast.

On Friday a few showers are likely, mainly in the north and dying away during the afternoon, but otherwise dry with bright skies and sunshine.

As for the weekend, there's some uncertainty at the moment.

On Saturday there is a risk of rain but Sunday may become dry and colder.

Next week, we could be in for a spell of cold weather with easterly winds and a blocking high pressure system.

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