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Adam Walton playlist and show info: Sunday 28 March 2010

Adam Walton

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Huw Williams - Pooh Stick and archdeacon of High Welsh Musical Excellence Past - casts his considerable faculties over Icons of Filth. There's some talk of Lady Gaga, too.

Lara Catrin continues her one-woman crusade to improve our Welsh language skills using the medium of Welsh song lyrics. This week she persuades me to take a stab at translating Kentucky AFC's Bodlon. The results don't do too much for my confidence in my recently acquired Cymraeg.

Ruthin's Ben Hayes - musicologist, DJ, producer and proud Trilby wearer - enthuses inspirationally about Half Man Half Biscuit. This is because we went to see them in Shrewsbury last week. I'd paid them scant attention in the past, dismissing them as a loud and badly-produced joke band. I was wrong in excelcis. They are my new revelation. Truly.

Also, we have some great new Welsh music - I'm enthralled and intrigued in particular by Vvolves, Ivan Moult, heh, Slaya P... these are new artists I've never played before. They're great.

Throw music at me: send mp3 files to

Apologies in advance for a legion of errors and stumbles. The music's ace. That is all that counts.

Diolch yn fawr iawn.

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