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Breakfast at the heart of AMs' photo exhibition

Laura Chamberlain

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The annual photography exhibition by Wales' National Assembly Members has gone on display at the Senedd, after AMs were given the challenge of creating images on the theme of breakfast.

Alongside an open category, the members were challenged to create images of the most important meal of the day, and were given photographic hints and tips by professional photographers Steve Benbow and Glenn Edwards.

William Graham's photograph, Egg Basket in the Snow. Courtesy National Assembly for Wales.

Deputy Presiding Officer Rosemary Butler AM, who is sponsoring the event, said: "I'm delighted that so many Members have once again risen to the challenge of a bit of end of term fun and entered photos into the exhibition.

"It is great to see such a range of photographs, both on the breakfast theme and in the open category."

The exhibition, which is officially launched today, will remain on display to the public at the Senedd in Cardiff Bay until Friday 9 July.

Browse a on the 成人论坛 Wales Arts website. And take a look at the National Assembly for Wales' for a wider selection of the photographs.

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