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Keeping pace with a changing sport audience

Rhodri Talfan Davies

Director, 成人论坛 Cymru Wales

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Earlier this week, we set out 成人论坛 Wales' plans to ensure our sports coverage keeps pace with our audiences.

The changes we’re making include a major expansion of our online and mobile team but, with it, the end of the Sport Wales magazine programme on 成人论坛 Two and the loss of a number of jobs – incredibly tough for a programme team that has always shone creatively. But I wanted to set out the thinking behind the sport changes and particularly their impact on audiences.

First things first, let's deal with the financials. This is absolutely not about us reducing our investment in sport. In fact, we'll spend more on sports coverage this year than ever before. From Euro 2016 to the World Half Marathon Championships via the FA Cup, Pro 12, Six Nations and the Rio Olympics, we'll be there every step of the way.

But meeting the challenge of covering so many major events on 成人论坛 Wales isn't cheap. And it requires focus.

Getting it right means having to be really clear about what matters most to the audience. And they tell us loud and clear. They expect the best live event coverage and authoritative journalism that's available whenever and wherever they choose. The changes proposed yesterday support both.

Does that mean turning our back on TV - or radio - journalism in a mad dash for online? Not a bit of it. While some audiences are certainly moving online, TV and radio remain critically important for many. Which means, right now, we need to ride a number of horses at the same time. It's a tricky balance to strike - but we think these changes will help us on our way.

I also know some people are concerned that these changes could damage our coverage of less mainstream sports that were regularly showcased on Sport Wales? I don't believe that will be the case for three reasons.

First, we will expect our expanded online services to demonstrate absolutely the same commitment to breadth and diversity in its output. Sport Wales has set the standard and we expect online to follow suit.

Second, we will continue to offer the broadest sporting coverage available in any of the devolved nations. Just have a listen to Radio Wales Sport on any weekday evening. And, third, by building our online and mobile service we have the opportunity to reach an even bigger audience all over the UK - providing an unrivalled platform for all sports in Wales.

And by delivering content where audiences demand it, we’re serving everyone better – including our audiences and sport itself.

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