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According to the Mabinogion...

Martin Aaron

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The National Trust has recently completed vital work to tackle erosion at an important historic site on the Gwynedd coast.

Bwncan Dinas Dinlle is a 3,000 year old hill fort, built for status and defence in the Iron Age.

The name Dinas Dinlle derives from 'Din' meaning fort and 'lle' derived from Lleu. According to the Mabinogion it was here that the warrior and magician Lleu Llaw Gyffes was brought up.

At that time, Dinas Dinlle was some distance from the coast, but the western part of the fort has now been lost to the sea, and is denoted a Site of Special Scientific Interest because the exposed cliffs show the different layers of glacial deposits.

National Trust Warden for Eifionydd, Dave Smith, said: "The erosion by the sea is not something that we can influence, but there was a deep erosion scar on the northern rampart which had been caused by walkers."

"To tackle this, we first built a footpath leading around the problem area. The path has proven popular, and has taken pressure off the eroding rampart, allowing us to repair it."

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