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April walks at Bodnant

Martin Aaron

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Bodnant Gardens have been in touch to promote a series of new walks around the gardens this month:

Breakfast Walk

Early risers prepare to witness the splendour of the Garden in the early morning light on Tuesday, 12 April at 7.15am. It will be rounded off with a hearty breakfast in the Pavilion tea-room - enough to wake up even those who find mornings difficult.

Plants of Interest

The Plants of Interest walk on Thursday, 21 April at 1pm is one which is sure to grow on any gardener. You will get to talk, see and learn all about special plants of interest to be enjoyed this month.

Special Interest Walk 'Principles of Garden Design'

Do you ever look at a garden and think "how on earth did they do that?" The Special Interest walk on Friday, 29 April at 1pm will allow you to hear how great gardens are designed, and even grab some ideas to develop your own garden.

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