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Tagged with: Photos

Posts (30)

  1. Lapland comes to Kenfig

    Martin Aaron

    Forget Santa - it's far too early to be talking about **** and I've promised myself I won't mention that particular word until at least December. So what else comes from Lapland I hear you cry? Well... the answer is - the Lapland bunting of course! This little chap was recently been spotte...

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  2. Head in the clouds

    Derek Brockway

    Simon Rolfe took these strange cloud pictures in the skies over Sychdyn in Flintshire recently and e-mailed me to find out more. These clouds are actually known as Fallstreak Holes and I've actually blogged about them before. If you spot any unusual cloud or weather formations in t...

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  3. Wetlands photo exhibition

    Martin Aaron

    A new photographic exhibition is running until the end of October at the Newport Wetlands Centre entitled - Photo Fantastic at the Wetlands Exhibition. The exhibition showcases the last decade in the reserves' history. Iolo Williams and friends enjoying the reedbeds. Image courtesy of RSPB: The reserve is home to a wide variety of birds and mammals and attracts many migrant visitors in winter and summer time. These include avocet, black-tailed godwit, shoveller and bittern as well as the resident otter, water shrew, brown hare and polecats. Avocet with chicks down at the saline lagoons. Image courtesy of RSPB: Over the last ten years a whole range of new habitats have established themselves across the site - ranging from grazed pastures and hedgerows to ditches (known locally as reens) as well as saline lagoons and the largest area of reedbeds in South Wales. The centre is open daily from 9am - 5pm so why pop along to the photo exhibition and then have a go at spotting the animals for yourselves! RSPB Newport Wetlands Centre Gull

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  4. Dragon's den in Newport

    Martin Aaron

    To celebrate Newport hosting the 2010 Ryder Cup more than 100 fibreglass super dragons will create a trail in and around the city until 17 October. See if you can spot my personal favourite - the zebra dragon. Gull

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  5. A damp start

    Martin Aaron

    Well, we've certainly had our fair share of the wet stuff over the last 24 hours, although I'm not sure we've had enough to fill all the rivers back up to the levels where they should be. Remember the November floods of 2009? The rain has certainly brought out the slugs though and my courgettes...

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  6. A tiger in the garden

    Martin Aaron

    Julie McKenna from Merseyside sent in some fabulous shots of a garden tiger moth she spotted whilst camping at Trearddur Bay on Anglesey recently: Learn more about these flying sensations on the RSPB website.

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  7. The taming of the shrew

    Martin Aaron

    Tony Llewellyn sent in an amazing photo of a shrew and caterpillar that I just had to share with you. I've no idea how he managed to capture this shot but here it is, for you all to marvel over: Shrews as you can see from this photo are tiny creatures, only around two to three inches long an...

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  8. Picture this

    Martin Aaron

    Carmarthenshire Heritage Regeneration Trust have recently been running a project entitled 'Learning From The Landscape - Understanding Through Involvement' in the Llanelli area for children from the learning support units of Coedcae Comprehensive and Maes Y Morfa Community Primary School. Ove...

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  9. The four stages of creation

    Martin Aaron

    Angelika Monks was walking through the sand dunes at Aberffraw, on Anglesey recently and took this picture, capturing the four stages of becoming a six-spot burnet moth. All this on one clump of marram grass: On the right hand side - two adult moths are busy mating. Top - a caterpilla...

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  10. Your wildlife pics

    Martin Aaron

    It's been a great summer for wildlife photography so far and long may it continue! The Wildlife Photographer of the Year 2009 exhibition is coming to Cardiff this month. The exhibit will run from 19 June - 12 Sept at the National Museum of Wales so well worth a visit if you're interested in wildlife photography and improving your skills. Back to your work now. Our Wales nature Flickr group is flourishing so I've picked out a couple of unusual ones that caught my eye this week. Here's something you don't get to photograph very often - a stoat killing a rabbit. Al Preston initially thought the stoat was being chased by the rabbit but things quickly reversed: Funnily enough I was down Gower surfing early on Saturday morning when a stoat darted straight across the path in front of me - quick as a flash! Bearded tits have been in the news lately at the RSPB reserve in Conwy. A pair have finally bred - the first for 40 years in North Wales and the chicks have recently fledged. Kenbray 54 snapped this bearded tit amongst the reed beds: And it just goes to show that you don't have to move far away from urban populations to find great wildlife on your doorstep. This great crested grebe complete with chicks was taken at Roath Park, Cardiff by Moses Davies:

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