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Writers' Access Group - Answers to some Frequently Asked Questions

成人论坛 Writers


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Our third Writers' Access Group is currently open for applications. The deadline for applications is noon next Tuesday 18th April.

Thank you to everyone who is thinking of applying to be part of the Writers' Access Group and who joined last week's Q&A session. We've compiled some of the frequently asked questions from the webinar below, with replies.

Find full details of how to apply for the Writers' Access Group by clicking here

If you have any further questions or require any support with your application then don't hesitate to contact us at 

Am I Eligible to Apply? 

Questions included:

I am dyslexic – Am I eligible?

I am waiting for a diagnosis for ADHD/ADD. I am on an NHS waiting list (a year now). Can I apply?

Would someone who has undergone a brain surgery class as neurodivergent?

I consider myself to be neurodivergent but have not yet been diagnosed. Would I be eligible for something like this, or would it be better to get an official diagnosis first?

I’m dealing with cancer and following chemo, have peripheral nerve damage. Am I eligible?

Is there a formal definition of disabled or some proof required - especially for invisible disability?

I am part of a writing duo. Can we apply as a duo or do we need to apply separately?

Do you accept scripts from people outside the UK?


The Writers’ Access Group is a training programme that aims to support and accelerate the professional development of deaf, disabled and/or neurodivergent writers who may have faced significant barriers to progress in their writing career as a result of their lived experience of being deaf, disabled and/or neurodiverse. 

If you feel this applies to you then we would very much welcome your application.

You must be a resident of the UK or Republic of Ireland to apply. 

If you are applying as a writing duo then both applicants must meet the eligibility requirements. Find out full details by reading the Terms and Conditions of Entry 


What information do I need to include with my application? 

Questions included:

Should we outline what our disability is in our application? Is it necessary to explain?

If a disablity has been a barrier to career progression as a writer, do you want to know about that when we write about our background as a writer?


It's not necessary to explain this information in your application. Primarily, we want to get to know you as a writer and will be making decisions based on your script. If selected for the programme we provide Access Riders for people to let us know how best to support them during the scheme and you can detail what you need to there.


What support is available with the application process? 

Questions included:

Is there an example or explanation for how to fill out the online form?


There is a preview of the application form available on our website so you can see what's needed in advance and prepare your answers.

See a preview of the application form

To find out more about the E-submissions system and how to use it View support videos 

See an Easy Read document which outlines the application process


What do I need to submit in order to apply? 

Questions included:

Would you prefer a TV script or is a stage script just as preferable?

Can you submit a film script or is it TV only?

Can you send a stage script that has been performed?

Does the script have to be “complete” , i.e. - if it’s a one hour pilot - does the whole hour need to be sent

How finished does the PDF script minimum 30 pages need to be, a full script or one episode of a series?

When I want to send a TV script, do I also need to send in an overview of the proposed series?

I know we can re-submit a script that's been previously submitted to the 成人论坛 Writersroom. On the e-submission form there's a tick box to flag scripts that have been previously submitted. I'm nervous about ticking that box as I'm worried it might automatically filter my submission out as ineligible. Am I being paranoid?

Do you need to submit a logline?

Is there a maximum page limit? Is a 45 or 50 page episode too long?

Does the script have to be written in a specific software?

Can we submit the same script as we did for the 成人论坛 Writersroom Open Call?

Does the date we submit make a difference to our chances of being selected? I know the deadline is very soon but has been open to applications since January.

Is sitcom allowed?


Please send one complete script in PDF format (minimum of 30 pages in length excluding title pages and character lists). This script must be complete and not an extract from a longer work. It should be a Drama or Comedy Drama script written for TV, Film, Radio, Stage or Online. We do not accept pure comedy (eg sitcom or sketch show scripts) for this opportunity.

We have no preference about the medium of the script, we just ask that you send the script which best represents you as a writer. For example, lots of theatre writers make it onto our development schemes.

If you send a theatre script then it doesn't matter whether it has been performed or not.

If you send a TV script then it can be complete in itself or a pilot episode of a potential series. If you're submitting a TV pilot script then you do not need to also submit an overview of the proposed series.

Whatever medium your script is for you will need to provide a logline. You can read more about loglines and get some advice on writing a good one by reading this blog post

For this opportunity you can re-submit a script which was previously sent into our Open Call opportunity. The tick box to indicate whether the script has been sent before is simply to let us know whether we have read it before. It makes no difference if you entered in January or April as we won't start the reading process until after the deadline.

There is no maximum length and the script doesn't need to be written in any specific software. However you will need to submit it as a pdf file with a maximum file size of 10mb, so you will need to convert it to this format before submitting it.


Does my sample script need to be about a particular subject matter, or in a specific genre or medium?

Questions included:

Is it encouraged to submit scripts that revolve around or involve themes of adversity in or representation of deafness/disability/neurodivergence?

Do our scripts need to contain characters like us? DDN

Does fantasy come under the drama genre or is it purely realistic/naturalistic writing that you are looking for?


No it doesn't need to be about any particular subject matter. While we like to read authentic portrayals written from the lived experience of disabled writers this is not a requirement. Send in the script which best represents your work and your unique voice as a writer. This may or may not include deaf, disabled and/or neurodivergent characters or themes.

Your script can be for any genre - you are welcome to submit a fantasy drama - we love reading genre pieces!


Will I get feedback for my submission? Or be considered for other Opportunities? 

Questions included:

Would it be possible to get feedback on the script?

If anybody has submitted to the main Open Call and identified as DDN during that form, if they're not selected for Drama WR is it possible they might be considered for WAGs in the same way I think I heard the Voices groups are working? Or are the two being treated as completely separate?


Due to the number of submissions received, we cannot provide feedback on all of the scripts submitted to us. If scripts reach the full read stage of the opportunity then they will receive a script report to help with the writer's development.

This is being treated as a separate opportunity from Open Call so even if you are awaiting an outcome from Open Call you still need to enter this opportunity. 

If you are unsuccessful in gaining a place in the Writers' Access Group this time then we may consider you as a potential member of our Voices development groups next year but would recommend re-applying for our next Open Call in the autumn.


How many people apply and when will I hear if I’ve been successful?

Questions included: 

How many people normally apply? How stiff is the competition?

How many scripts go to the full read stage?


We are expecting to receive several hundred applications so it is a competitive process and you shouldn't feel discouraged if you don't gain a place in the Writers' Access Group this time. With many of our opportunities the writers who are successful have previously applied unsuccessfully on many occasions.

Everybody will hear the outcome by the beginning of October 2023.


If I’m successful what will the development programme involve?

Questions included: 

Are there potential opportunties to get into a writers' room on a continuing drama if we get accepted onto the programme?

Will there be guidance in pitching?

What are the benefits of being selected for the access group?


Successful writers will gain a place in our third Writers' Access Group. There are ten places available.

The group will run for around 18 months and meet regularly for a series of workshops, masterclasses and panel discussions to develop their craft skills and deepen their industry knowledge and contacts. Sessions will be led by professionals from the television industry and will cover things such as story structure, character development, pitching and the commissioning process. 

There will be at least two half-day workshop sessions per month for the first eight months of the programme, followed by a dedicated writing period where participants will complete a new television spec script with the support of a professional script-editor and the 成人论坛 Writersroom team.

It is important to note that this script will not be for production – it is to help create a piece of work that will best showcase writing skills to the wider broadcasting industry, putting writers in a strong position to take the next step in TV writing.

The programme also involves an industry outreach element where participating writers will be introduced to producers and production companies, as well as agents and 成人论坛 commissioners. Mentoring will also be offered to the participants to help them as they progress through their careers.

The programme will have an emphasis on developing craft skills and industry knowledge but will also create real opportunities for the participating writers to gain professional experience across the 成人论坛, as well as connecting and developing working relationships with peers amongst the group.


If I gain a place in the group will I develop the same script that I used to apply? 

Questions included:

Will the script submitted be used in the programme to develop that idea, or are we expected to develop a new idea?

Does the script we submit have to be the one we are planning to develop or would it be a brand new idea?


No. You would be expected to develop a new spec script. We will include a session on ideas generation as part of the programme.


How long will the development programme last and where will sessions happen?

Questions included: 

The in-person sessions, where will they be?

How much time commitment is the programme? Is it possible to hold a job during these 18 months?

What sort of times do the zooms run? If people have day jobs would they be able to attend?

What does the schedule format of the 18 months look like? Is it once a week?

If we get in, when do the sessions begin?

How often do we meet in person?


The programme will last for around 18 months in total, beginning in October this year. The鈥痯rogramme鈥痠s free to attend for successful applicants and we will cover all travel, accommodation and access costs for selected participants.

The sessions will mainly take place online but we are also aiming for the group to meet in person on a few occasions.

The in-person sessions are likely to take place either at the 成人论坛's offices at Broadcasting House in London or at Media City in Salford, however details will be confirmed nearer the time.

We expect people to have other commitments - work, family etc - and will work around these commitments as much as possible.

Sessions will take place during the day or in the evening but we will provide plenty of advance notice so you can make arrangements. They will last between 1 and 3 hours with regular breaks with at least two sessions per month for the first eight months of the programme followed by a dedicated writing period. 


What support is available during the programme?

Questions included: 

I’m housebound due to disability, will I be able to participate in this course?

As a dyslexic person am I allowed someone to help me like a scribe? I like to work with someone to help me with the script.

I understand travel is paid for, but due to my condition I would probably need to stay in a hotel to get there on time. Would we get help with those costs?

What kind of accomodations can you make for folks who are differently abled? Are those running the program familiar with the challenges that we face and how have they been trained or making space for us in that way?

Can someone travel with me? I may need my partner to help me in a hotel.

I have a carer with me all the time - will the expenses cover just me or both of us?


Before the programme starts, we will have an individual conversation with each writer along with an Access Coordinator to ensure we are in the best position to help them get the most from the programme. It could be that the writer is only able to join sessions from home via Zoom or we provide a BSL interpreter or access worker to accompany them during sessions. We will be also be using the knowledge and experience of our consultants  .

At all stages we will be available to answer any questions that you may have and understand that your requirements may change or evolve and we will need to be flexible and adaptable.


What have been some of the outcomes from the scheme?

Questions included: 

What are the outcomes of this programme? What kind of success have previous participants enjoyed?

What's the perception of the Writers' Access Group in the wider industry? Is there awareness and interest?

Have anyone's spec scripts actually gone on to be optioned... even though that wasn't the purpose?


The key outcome from the scheme is that each participant will leave with a complete television spec script that they can use as a calling-card script to take out to the industry - to agents and producers. 

Although we very much hope that participants will gain credits during or after taking part in the Writers' Access Group we can not guarantee that this will happen. However many previous members of the group have gone onto achieve broadcast credits on television and radio including on EastEnders, Doctors, Casualty and many 成人论坛 Childrens programmes. Several members of the group were part of the writers' room and wrote episodes for the recent 成人论坛 One drama Ralph & Katie.

One previous group member, Rob Kinsman, credits his involvement with the group in leading directly to his first original series commission for Channel Five. The Writers' Access Group is now well-known inside and outside the 成人论坛. Participants details are included in our Annual Report and on our website, which is used as a resource across the industry.

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