
Susan Daniels

Chief Executive, National Deaf Children's Society

Specialism: Disability

Term of office: March 2018 – March 2024

Susan Daniels has been Chief Executive of the National Deaf Children’s Society since 1992 and has overseen the growth of the organisation from a small local charity to a well-respected service delivery and campaigning organisation working to break down the barriers faced by deaf children both in the UK and internationally.

Susan was a Commissioner of the Disability Rights Commission from 2003 until its merger with the Commission for Equality and Human Rights. She was also Chair of the UK Council on Deafness, the umbrella body for all organisations working in the field of deafness, which provides information, advice and support to member organisations and represents the views of the sector to government and policy makers.

Susan is currently Chair of the NHS Newborn Hearing Screening Programme Quality Assurance Advisory Group, which monitors the delivery of the programme across hospitals in England.

Susan is Chair of Groundbreakers, an informal networking group for women leaders in the voluntary sector, which includes CEOs from a wide range of charities, from national, international to local and community based organisations.

In 2006, Susan was awarded an OBE for services to deaf children and their families.

Susan Daniels in front of a charity banner
Susan Daniels

Appeals Advisory Committee Members

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