Brown bread recipes
Bread made with flour that contains a proportion of the whole grain, but usually not 100%. As there is no formal definition of ‘brown bread’, the flour used may be white, with the loaf’s colour commonly enhanced with dark malt or brown sugar. The term usually refers to wheaten bread. Typical ingredients include wheat flour, water, salt, yeast and malt or brown sugar
This is the perfect sandwich for a classy afternoon tea where, perhaps, a glass of prosecco can be had.
More brown bread recipes
Buyer's guide
Compared to wholemeal bread, brown bread contains a higher proportion of protein and starch simply because it contains more of the endosperm - the powdery core of the wheat grain - and less of the husk and wheatgerm, meaning it is lower in fibre and essential oils. So if your diet is rich in whole grains and fibre from other sources then it is a good all-purpose bread to eat.
As there is no requirement for the flour used in brown bread to contain any bran or wheatgerm, do check the label to see if any additives such as malt or sugar have given the bread its colour.