During World War Two, aerial reconnaissance was one of the key methods of obtaining intelligence about the enemy and their activities. Within hours of a reconnaissance sortie, the film could be developed, printed and interpreted.
Photo: An RAF Flight Lieutenant Photo Interpreter busy with the tools of his trade - aerial photographs, stereoscopes and the plans of a target, in 1944. (Medmenham Collection)
Aerial intelligence experts reveal how difficult it was to defend England from the V-2 supersonic rockets.
Aerial intelligence experts reveal how it was impossible to defend England from the V-2 supersonic missiles. The attacks ended when the Allied armies over-ran Europe after D-Day, and destroyed the V-2's supporting infrastructure.
Photographic Interpreters (PIs) from RAF Medmenham working in aerial reconnaissance recount how they discovered that mysterious structures across Nazi Europe were designed to launch the V-1 flying bombs.
Photographic Interpreters (PIs) from RAF Medmenham working in aerial reconnaissance recount how they discovered that mysterious structures across Nazi Europe were designed to launch the V-1 flying bombs towards southern England. This discovery during the planning of D-Day prompted Operation Crossbow - the destruction of the bombs, their launch sites and supporting infrastructure.
Eyewitness Eileen Alexander remembers how she was caught up in the V-1 explosion that destroyed her childhood home in East London.
Eyewitness Eileen Alexander remembers how she was caught up in the V-1 bomb explosion that destroyed her childhood home in East London. As thousands of British people were being killed by the V-1 campaign, the Allies fought back by attacking the launch sites across Nazi Europe and shooting the bombs down in mid-flight.
RAF Medmenham was a Royal Air Force station based at Danesfield House near Medmenham, in Buckinghamshire, England. Activities there specialized in photographic intelligence, and it was once the home of the RAF Intelligence Branch. During the Second World War, RAF Medmenham was the main interpretation centre for photographic reconnaissance operations in the European and Mediterranean theatres.
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