Alba Today
Sealladh ùr bho Alba. A new view from Scotland.
Treubh an Tuathanais (Big Barn Farm)
Series 2: 19. Cùram Chloinne
Tha cùisean trang, trang air an tuathanas. Things are very busy on the farm.
Boban is Fuigheag
Series 1: 11. Air Ais Leis
Tha Fuigheag a’ cluich le rudeigin spòrsail. Fuigheag is playing with something fun.
Series 1: 12. An Leadaidh Pheatach
Tha daolag-bhreac bheag na suain an-diugh. A little ladybird is fast asleep today.
Series 1: 17. Platapas a’ Sireadh Companach Taighe
Tha AH-AH a’ sireadh companach taighe. AH-AH is looking for a housemate.
Su Pic (Peek Zoo)
Series 1: 20. Caismeachd Chinn-fhinn Violette
Tha cinn-fhinn Violette ri caismeachd. Violette’s penguins are marching.
Ladybird & Bee/Daolag-bhreac is Seillean
Series 1: 26. Ã’ran An Achaidh Fhiadhaich...
There is a lot of singing in Achadh Fhiadhaich today.
Meaban and Moo
Series 2: Episode 2
Feumaidh Meaban is Moo rudan purpaidh a lorg. Meaban and Moo look for purple things.
Series 3: 6. ‘S e Tìgear a th’ annam
Alasdair Whyte reads ‘S e Tìgear a th’ annam.
Belle and Sebastian
Series 1: 50. Òrnaid Chill Mhà rtainn
Tha ‘ad uile a’ sireadh deagh shealbh an-diugh. Everyone wants good luck today.
Series 1: Episode 9
Shanni competes against the C³ÉÈËÂÛ̳ ALBA presenters but who will emerge victorious?
Bogaisean is Gumbalan/Bottersnikes and Gumbles
Series 1: 26. Na Gumblan Mìorbhaileach Ud...
Cà ite bheil an drà gon òtrach? Where is the dump dragon?
A’ Chùil
Choirstaidh is making little magazines, or Zines as they are known.
Series 1: 8. Aon Bhliadhna Deug Gu Sìorraidh
Flix wants to buy a special jacket from the shop Aon Bhliadhna Deug Gu Sìorraidh!
Dealbhan Fraoich/Heather's Portraits
Series 4: Episode 1
A colour portrait of Murdo Macdonald. Dealbh dathte de Mhurchadh Dòmhnallach.
Roddy John MacLeod discusses a poem with a personal connection, Òran Mòr MhicLeòid.
Series 4: 21. Feallsanachd | Philosophy
Meg Bateman chats to Joy in the studio about philosophy.
Local, national and international news and information from ³ÉÈËÂÛ̳ ALBA
Immigration Tracks
Canada le Anne NicAilpein: Episode 1
Join Anne MacAlpine on a cultural voyage of discovery.
Series 16: 3. Eilthireachd: Cuimhneachain Coimhearsnachdan
How communities are marking the departure of the SS Marloch and the SS Metagama in 1923.
Series 3: Episode 1
Sarah Jane is adamant that PÃ druig's return to Camus won't affect her life.
Eilean Chanaigh
Series 1: Episode 1
An insight into island life in a fragile community with only 16 residents.
An Gobha - The Last Blacksmith
Profile of Calum ‘Steallag’ Macleod, one of Scotland’s last traditional blacksmiths.