Honest people (Switzerland)
I left England straight after my A-levels and got a job in Germany working in a youth hostel, and later in a hotel. I spent three years there, and moved to Switzerland, where I've now been living for nearly 20 years. Although my husband is English and most of my friends are English, Irish or American, I made a conscious effort to learn the Swiss German dialect and having worked with many different nationalities, I perfected my French and Spanish. People say that the Swiss are very reserved, they certainly have a lot of rules and regulations that seem really stupid - but then again, some of the things we do in England seem stupid to foreigners. They do appreciate it if you learn their language. On the whole, they are honest people and the crime rate is low.My son and the children of all my 'ex-pat' friends are growing up speaking two or three languages.I failed German at school back in England, and I have found the best way to learn to speak a language is to be thrown straight into the foreign speaking environment. Reading in that language is a great help to improve grammar and writing.
Sent by: Debbie
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