Contain your excitement (French/English)
I spent last year working as a language assistant in France and, being naturally a very cheerful person and wishing to impress my French colleagues with my enthusiasm for teaching (and everything, in fact!) I regularly expressed this by saying Je suis excitée! or Je suis si excitée! It was only after four months that a kind soul pointed out the sexual connotations of this phrase, literally meaning 'I am sexually aroused'. So that's four months of being hit on by French men that I could possibly have avoided!
Sent by: Jenny
And yet when one puts that phrase through a google translator,it clearly comes out with the phrase 'I'm excited or I'm so excited. So we could all trip up with this one. But not necessarily get results! of course.
Thank you for pointing this one out. I now understand why I get "that look" when I arrive at a party. Time to go and cringe
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