Cajun French
I'm surprised to see that Cajun French isn't included on this list. For decades the Cajuns in Louisiana, have been fighting to retain their language (mainly oral) against the tide of modern American language. They were forbidden to speak the Cajun French in schools and punished severely for doing so. Alongside that, their fight to preserve their culture continues and not to become another number on a plastic card. They preserve the language mainly in their music. French has been introduced to schools again but it is international French and not the language of their grandparents. Theirs is a hard struggle against Americana. I'm not hopeful for the future.
Sent by: Laraine Bridges
It is very sad to lose languages that link a population to what makes them unique.
Unfortunately, people within those cultures have to desire to continue these languages. The Cajun language is mainly being carried forward through the music of southern Louisiana but it is rarely heard spoken in a proper conversation like it used to be when I was a child. Very sad.
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