Paying for it
Years ago, pre-Euro, when I lived in Rome, I would hear (or so I thought) people use the expression pagare la lira di Dio. I took this to mean that the lira of God must be an awfully big or valuable lira, and that, to have to pay this, one must be paying a lot. One day, some friends stopped short upon hearing me insert the phrase myself into conversation. They then had a good laugh explaining to me that the actual phrase is pagare l'ira di Dio, paying the ire, or the wrath, of God. Oops.
Sent by: Tracey
During my wedding service in Italy, I said con quest'agnello, instead of anello, with this lamb (I thee wed) instead of with this ring! Just a few titters amongst the Italian congregation.
Andy I always confuse agnello and anello. Have you ever read the book Lord of the Lambs or The Silence of the Rings?!
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