The wrong kind of hare
I had been working in Sweden for several months and was visiting my friend Per in Stockholm. We had taken the excellent public transport back from the centre of town after a few (expensive) beers and crossing the large park at Gärdet the bus braked suddenly. Per looked across to me with a quizzical look and asked me what had happened. I relished the chance to explain in Swedish that a hare had leapt out in front of the bus by telling him Kolla! Der är en hora på gatan. His look changed from quizzical to outright confused as he looked out of the windscreen at the same time as the rest of the bus turned their eyes silently to look at me. I reverted to English and said more quietly "There's a hare in the road" whereby Per corrected my hora, hor-a, to hare, ha-re, with a huge grin on his face. I appear to have suggested that a 'lady of the night' had caused the sudden stop.
Sent by: Big Col
That's sooo funny ! But at least you spoke Swedish, not many people visiting do !
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