Cigars and sad tigers
I think tongue twisters can help you a lot in the pronunciation of any language. I would like to contribute a Spanish twister:
"Erre" con "erre" cigarro, "erre" con "erre" barril,
Rápido ruedan las ruedas, sobre los rieles del ferrocarril.
"R" with "R" cigar, "R" with "R" barrel
Quickly run the cars, over the rails of the railroad.
And this is another one:
Tres tristes tigres tragaban trigo en tres tristes trastos sentados tras un trigal.
Three sad tigers swallowed wheat in three sad utensils seated behind a wheatfield.
Sent by: Circe
En un plato de trigo comen tres tristes tigres trigo.
I have to say that we also have a similar tongue twister "Três tristes tigres, num trigal de trigo"(Three sad tigers in a wheat field) and it is probably the hardest tongue twister we have. The hardest part is the first three words, because the "s" sounds like "sh".
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