"You can live in a town and not use the facilities or whatever it's got, but here you do. And we used to love to get up the pier. And every single Sunday morning my father used to take us up there when he wasn't working, and, and we'd walk up, and see the sand artist, about two thirds of the pier up he'd be, he'd be up the pier when the tide was out, he'd be there, in the mud, flattened out an area which was like a muddy sand, and , er, he used to draw these enormous pictures in the sand and they were wonderful. Westminster Abbey, in, in the mud, with all the details of the windows, and, clowns he used to draw, and they were absolutely wonderful. People used to love to watch him do it, it was so clever! And the only thing you ever saw was his bum, and he used to, in our day he used to draw a great big clown's face and have a bucket for its mouth, and people used to throw their pennies down, and money, and he used to earn his living like that."
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