The mathematician and physicist, Albert Einstein
stayed in a cottage at Roughton in Norfolk during the 1930s, after
he left Germany when Hitler came to power.
Einstein was strongly opposed to war, but after
Hitler was elected to government, it was impossible for him to stay
in Germany.
Something had to be done to help the world's cleverest
Commander Oliver Locker-Lampson, an MP, offered
Einstein a place to stay in the Norfolk countryside.
Einstein was brought to live in a small hut on
Roughton Heath in Cromer.
While he was there, the scientist was still able
to work on his scientific theories. The science he was working on
changed the course of history - he had developed
the idea for the world's first nuclear bomb.
Einstein soon left Norfolk and sailed to America,
never to return to Europe.
The picture above shows, from left: Miss Goodall,
Albert Einstein, unknown, Locker Lambson, Miss Billing.
The pony belonged to farmer PJ Colman and the group
is posed in his 11 acre field next to the heath.
Einstein developed the special and general theories
of relativity and won the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1921 for his
explanation of the photoelectric effect.
Photo credit: Courtesy of Philip
Colman (son of PJ)
Recommended reading
By Sheila McKeown, a librarian at the Millennium Library in
Albert Einstein and His Inflatable Universe,
by Mike Goldsmith. Hippo 2001. ISBN 0439992168.
Albert Einstein: Scientists who Made History,
by Saviour Pirotta. Hodder Wayland 2001. ISBN 075023041.
You can get hold of these books through
your local library.
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