Oh contentedness, is my search in vain?
Sought contentedness, canst thou not ease my pain?
Tell me, art thou but a hollow fable
Or in finding thee is it I unable?
Oh contentedness, will thou then not thyself reveal?
Longed-for contentedness, thou must grasp how I doth feel.
Looking for thee, where shouldst I start,
Are the answers contained within mine heart?
Oh contentedness, where then doth thou dwell?
Save me contentedness, from this my present hell.
Be it possible to come upon thee in love so sweet
Or when fame and fortune I doth greet?
Oh contentedness, where then wast thou born?
Shy contentedness, sound thy loudest horn.
Dost then thou lie in earth鈥檚 devilry,
Shouldst my trail commence at its revelry?
Oh contentedness, is finding thee e鈥檈n within my power,
Or, contentedness, dost thou decide the hour?
Are then thee 鈥檔eath religion concealed?
Observing ritual, canst my soul be healed?
Oh contentedness, how I strive for thee.
Hidden contentedness, why remain so elusive to me?
Canst then I find thee at all in this fleeting life
Or only in death and cessation eternal of all strife?
Oh contentedness, I now doth see it clear.
Glorious contentedness, why didst I ever fear?