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Ecohome : The basement
The basement contains a rainwater storage and reuse system, and
the WC composting system.
Rainwater harvested off the roof, makes its way down through the
copper guttering and downpipes, passing through filters and is collected
in two polypropylene tanks with a total capacity of around 2000
The other parts of the rainwater kit consist of a level sensor linked
to a controller, which trips an automatic mains water top up when
the level is too low. The pump automatically switches on when the
washing machine or external tap is turned on or a WC flushed and
supplies the rainwater. If the tanks get too full, the excess runs
off to the mains drain.
The WC composting system has been used to address the highest source
of pollution from houses after CO2. The chosen system is a hybrid
combining the benefits of a flushing WC with a composting system
to deal with solid waste.
Efoetida worms were added to the composting chamber. The worms,
which are similar to those used in worm bins, aid the composting
process by digestion, speeding up the rate at which the solids are