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Tristen Woodward

Botswanan-born Tristen spent his childhood in the bush taking photos of his country’s wildlife. From a young age he dreamed of becoming a wildlife cinematographer and after studying in the UK, he returned home and joined the Natural History Film Unit Botswana (NHFU) at the age of 17. He specialises in filming leopards and following wildlife action with a drone. He has filmed for programmes including Our Planet II (Netflix) and Living with Leopards (Netflix).

Question: Answer:
Hometown Gaborone, Botswana
Favourite Delta animal Pangolin
Favourite cat species Leopard
Favourite cat Xudum
Day or night filming? Day filming
Best bush meal Spaghetti Bolognese
Best thing about the Delta The unique wildlife behaviour

“I love the freedom that working in the Okavango provides, just endless days spent learning the behaviour of some of the world’s most spectacular animals – like Xudum, she always finds a way to survive no matter the circumstances. My favourite moment from Series 1 was meeting and spending time with Xudum’s cubs, it was a real privilege to find cubs literally a day after they were born.”

Tristen Woodward