Episode 19
In the Beechgrove Garden, Jim is in the vegetable plot, troubleshooting and harvesting. He discovers onion fly on the shallots, but also finds some magnificent runner beans.
In the Beechgrove Garden, Jim is in the vegetable plot, troubleshooting and harvesting. He discovers onion fly on the shallots, but also finds some magnificent runner beans. On balance, it has been a challenging season for the vegetable plot.
Sowing and planting new vegetables is not always at the forefront of our minds while we are in the middle of looking after crops we have been nurturing for weeks, but Carole tries out a range of 'oriental vegetables' to buck that trend, and looks forward to adding some spice to the late vegetable patch.
Lesley is with Heath Brown from Scottish Natural Heritage, who is helping to create a wildflower nectar bar for bees etc, in Beechgrove. This is the first part of a very large project to create more areas specifically for the benefit of the wildlife in the garden.
Carole is with plant enthusiast Brian Young from Drybridge, Irvine, who is taking some of his babies to the Ayr Flower Show for the first time. Carole sees how his preparation is coming on, and tries to get him to divulge his plant success secrets.