Episode 20
Jim sows 'green manure' in the garden, and gives the grass some tender lawn care. Plus Carole tots up the final costs on the Credit Crunch Garden, and adds the finishing touches.
In the Beechgrove Garden, Jim has gone green, and after a bumper vegetable harvest, he is sowing 'green manure'. He is also greening up the lawn; it has been a tough season for lawns, weather-wise, and so Jim shows how to give them a little TLC (tender lawn care).
Carole is with Tim Morton from Wrap as they tot up the final costs, or lack of them, on the new Credit Crunch Garden, and finish the garden off with some furniture for free.
Lesley takes a look at the border that is no longer 'a mare'. The border, that was full of horsetail, or equisetum (a pernicious weed difficult to eradicate), seems to have been cleared. Lesley takes a final look, and shows off the retina-scorching bedding display that the border is boasting.
Carole is in Dollar with streptocarpus enthusiast Mr Dorwood, who has over 200 of them in his care.
George is in Auchengray, South Lanarkshire, with Maria and Stuart Hildersley, whose main problem is creating a windbreak to enable them to create a new garden on a blank canvas.