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Sgeulachdan a’ Ghlasaidh (Life in Lockdown)

Episode 10 of 13

Dealbh onarach de na h-amannan as fheàrr agus as miosa bho measgachadh de dhaoine rè àm a’ ghlasaidh.
A refreshingly honest depiction of the highs and lows of lockdown from all walks of life.

Tha staing a’ choròna-bhìorais air barrachd ùpraid adhbharachadh air feadh an t-saoghail na tha galar sam bith eile ann an còrr air ceud bliadhna. B’ e bhìoras a bh’ ann a thàinig gun chuireadh ’s gun mòran rabhaidh agus a chuir ar saoghal bun os cionn, a’ marbhadh àireamhan mhòr de dhaoine aig an aon àm.
Anns a’ phrògram seo, tha sinn a’ leantainn buidheann de dhaoine bho air feadh na dùthcha a’ toirt sealladh sònraichte tro chunntasan mionaideach agus pearsanta, ’s iad a’ dèanamh deiseil airson a’ gheamhraidh fo bhacaidhean ùra ri linn sgaoileadh a’ chòrona-bhìorais, a dh’adhbharaich a’ chiad ghlasadh-sluaigh san Rìoghachd Aonaichte sa Mhàrt, da mhìle ’s a fichead.

Dealbh onarach de na h-amannan as fheàrr agus as miosa rè àm a’ ghlasaidh bho measgachadh de dhaoine, nam measg neach-ciùil traidiseanta a tha ag ionndrainn a bhith air àrd-ùrlar, oileanach anns a’ chiad bhliadhna san oilthigh, agus tha sinn cuideachd a’ faighinn beachdan air suidheachadh gnìomhachas na h-aoigheachd a tha air fulang gu mòr sa bhliadhna a chaidh seachad, san dùthaich seo fhèin agus san Roinn Eòrpa. Ciamar a tha gach neach air dèiligeadh ri cuingealachadh tron t-suidheachadh do-chreidsinneach leantainneach a tha seo?

The Coronavirus outbreak has caused more chaos and disruption in comparison to any health crisis in over a century. A virus which came uninvited and without much warning disrupted the world order and claimed a terrifying number of lives in the process.

In this programme, we follow a group of individuals from all over the country, bringing a unique insight through detailed personal accounts, as they prepare for a winter under strict new restrictions as a result of the global pandemic, which caused the very first lockdown in the UK back in March, 2020.

A refreshingly honest depiction of the highs and lows of lockdown from all walks of life, including a musician who is missing performing on stage, a first year student at university, and we also gain a perspective on the hospitality industry, which has greatly suffered in the past year, in this country and indeed, in parts of Europe. How have these individuals coped with the restrictions imposed on them during this continuous and unprecedented situation?

In Gaelic with English subtitles

29 minutes
