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Togail - A-Listers in Lewis and Harris

Episode 9 of 13

Togalaichean A-List ann an Leòdhas agus na Hearadh.
Jayne MacLeod takes us on a tour of the eight A-Listed buildings in Lewis and Harris.

Tha Jayne NicLeòid gar toirt air turas timcheall ochd togalaichean A-List ann an Leòdhas agus na Hearadh is i ag ionnsachadh mu eachdraidh agus sgeulachdan ceangailte riutha bho mhuinntir an àite fhèin. Tha i cuideachd a’ faighneachd carson a tha na togalaichean seo air an A-List agus dè an obair a tha an lùib a bhith gan dìon airson nan ginealaichean ri teachd.

Tha i a’ tòiseachadh a turas ann an Nis aig fìor Cheann a Tuath Eilean Leòdhais aig taigh-solais Rubha Robhanais far a bheil i a’ faighinn facal air an neach-glèidhidh mu eachdraidh an taigh-sholais Stevenson seo, agus mar a tha an obair air atharrachadh thar nam bliadhnachan. Tha i a’ cluinntinn bho Dods MacPhàrlain, a b’ àbhaist a bhith os cionn sealg a’ ghuga, mar a chaidh losgadh air an taigh-sholais aig àm an Dàrna Cogaidh. Tha i cuideachd a’ tadhal air fìor sheann eaglais an ath-dhoras ann am baile Eòrapaidh, far a bheil an t-Urramach Moger ag innse dhi gur ann gu Nis a thàinig Crìosdaidheachd gu Eilean Leòdhais an toiseach, agus ’s ann a-null a Steòrnabhagh a tha i a’ dol an dèidh sin gus ionnsachadh mu Lobht nan Seòl agus mu Chaisteal ainmeil Leòdhais.

Tha turas Jayne ga toirt gu Eaglais na h-Aoidhe ann an sgìre an Rubha, far a bheil mòran de chinn-chinnidh Clann MhicLeòid air an tìodhlaigeadh, agus gu seallaidhean àlainn na Hearadh, gu Caisteal Amhuinnsuidhe agus gu Eaglais Ròghadail. Tha i a’ cur crìoch air a cuairt ann an Scalpaigh, far a bheil i a’ dol air turas bàta chun an taigh-sholais as sine anns na h-Eileanan an Iar. Ann an cuideachd Choinnich MhicLeòid, a bhuineas don sgìre agus aig a bheil fìor eòlas air a’ mhuir, tha Jayne ag ionnsachadh mun eachdraidh a tha aig an togalach cliùiteach seo.

Jayne MacLeod takes us on a fascinating tour of the eight A-Listed buildings in Lewis and Harris. She learns about the rich history and lesser-known stories connected to these places from locals who know them well. She finds out why these buildings are A-Listed and also asks what is being done to protect and preserve them for future generations.

She begins her journey in Ness at the Butt of Lewis Lighthouse where she speaks to the retained keeper, who tells her about the history of this Stevenson building and how the job has changed over the years. She hears from Dods MacFarlane, of guga hunt fame, how the lighthouse was fired at during the Second World War. She then visits St Moluag’s church in the neighbouring village of Eoropie, where the Rev Moger tells her that it was to Ness that Christianity first came to the Isle of Lewis, and she heads to Stornoway to learn about The Sail Loft and the famous Lews Castle.

Jayne’s journey also takes her to the district of Point to the Ui Church, where many Chiefs of the Clan MacLeod are buried, and then south to the stunning landscape of the Isle of Harris, to Amhuinnsuidhe Castle and St Clement’s Church in Rodel. Where better to end her journey than in Scalpay, where she goes on a boat trip to the oldest lighthouse in the Western Isles with skipper Kenny MacLeod, who is well versed in the history of the building and the surrounding area.

In Gaelic with English subtitles

59 minutes


Role Contributor
Executive Producer Margaret Mary Murray
Presenter Jayne Macleod
Executive Producer Seumas Mactaggart
Production Manager Marion Maclean
