Sequamur: Steidheachadh Sgoil MhicNeacail
Ruairidh Maciver is on a journey of discovery as the Nicolson Institute, a secondary school in the Isle of Lewis, marks its 150th anniversary.
Le 150 bliadhna ga chomharrachadh bho chaidh Sgoil MhicNeacail fhosgladh, tha am fear-naidheachd Ruairidh MacÌomhair a’ leantainn slighe nam brà ithrean a thug ainm dhan sgoil. Eadar na Cogaidhean Opium ann an Sìona agus planntachaidhean cotain Mississippi, tha sgeulachd ùr dha innse a tha a’ togail cheistean mu cò às a thà inig an t-airgead airson an sgoil ainmeil-sa a stèidheachdadh, agus dè a tha e a’ ciallachadh do sgoilearan an latha an diugh.
The Nicolson Institute, a secondary school in the Isle of Lewis, is marking its 150th anniversary. But how much is known about the brothers who founded the school and how they made their fortune? Journalist Ruairidh Maciver is on a journey of discovery, which takes him from the Opium Wars in China to the cotton plantations of America’s Deep South, as he asks how this history should be marked today.
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