Mental Muscle Episodes Episode guide
How can judo help your nana?
Can an ancient Japanese discipline help the elderly?
How can I run further?
If even running for a bus feels too far, how can you increase your distance?
How can I get better at snooker?
Julia chalks her cue and talks to a champion.
How can coaches create results?
What are the best techniques for motivating athletes?
How can brain waves improve your golf putt?
Are squeezy balls and pendulum swings the secret to a perfect putt?
How can athletes navigate retirement from their sport?
What's next after a career of competition?
Does the pitch impact performance?
Is the grass always greener or is plastic turf the way forward?
Does ice aid recovery?
Can the cold help after a sporting session?
Can you beat the bookies?
What are the odds of winning on a sports bet?
Can science improve your golf swing?
How can you whack a ball over 200 metres with precision?
Can food make you faster?
Does carb loading, protein shakes and beetroot help?
Can exercise banish your winter blues?
As cold weather can rain on our mood, Julia asks: can exercise help?
Can dancing benefit your brain?
Julia braves a beach-side boogie in the name of science.
Can an athlete fully recover from long Covid?
As the pandemic passes, what about those still struggling?
Can AI win fantasy football?
Will humans or AI get the best results?
Are any world records unbreakable?
Is there a limit to human athletic achievement?