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Martha Horchner

Martha is one of the most senior police officers in Amsterdam.

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She is an ex-girlfriend of Julien Baptiste and when she finds that he is temporarily staying in town, enrols him to help on a serious missing person case that she believes could be connected to Romanian sex trafficking operations in the city.

Widowed, with a son who is recovering from cancer (who also works for the police), Martha is very unsure about her future in the force and really needs Julien’s help.

Q&A with Barbara Sarafian

Could you tell us about the character you play in the show?

She is everything we imagine when we think of a difficult woman

Martha is a difficult woman - she has some issues but she has a very high level job. She is Chief of Police, Head of Police, all the titles you can imagine, she has them, and it’s well-earned. She is seen as sharp-minded, intelligent, and she knows what she is doing.

Throughout the story, she has been confronted with her past and her future, and she doesn’t know how to handle these scenes. She’s been very severe towards herself and others. She is everything we imagine when we think of a difficult woman.

Tell us about Martha’s character - how does she know Julien?

Martha had a relationship with Julien a long time ago when they were partners on a job. She loved him very much and he loved her too but it didn’t work out. Julien now has a new life, a new family and she had that too. She has a family but she is still a bit bitter about the break-up, apparently.

Could you describe Martha’s relationship with her son Niels?

Niels is her son and she worries about him like every mother would. She looks out for him but she is afraid to show that, so she does it sneakily. He tries to push Martha away, but in fact he is worried about her too and there is a symbolism between both of them and their relationship. The energy they have is beautiful and it is seen in the office as well as at home. They have a cocoon just them too, which is very vulnerable.